Adelaide names range from the wildly popular Adeline to rarities like Elke.

That means Adelaide rivals fellow classic girl names Elizabeth, Katherine, and Margaret for sheer number of possible variants.

As girl names go, Adelaide remains a little outside the mainstream, barely in the US Top 300. But it makes a great alternative to Charlotte, a sister for Eleanor.

The name comes from Adalheidis, from the Germanic adal – noble – and heid – type. Names starting with the adal element abound, for both women and men. (Just check the As here.) The meaning “noble kind” has enduring appeal.

Royals and saints wore the name, including a wife of Holy Roman Emepror Otto I – who was both. Those are the ingredients required for a name to inspire many a variation: worn by royals and saints, baked for more than a millennium.

One of those queens – the wife of King William IV – inspired the name of South Australian city Adelaide in 1836. It’s become a major city, sometimes nicknamed Radelaide. (Though it’s also called the City of Churches.) That puts this name in the company of Savannah and London, a city name with rich history and plenty of style.



A -lace ending rather than a -lade one, this name appears in the history books. A handful of well-born medieval women answered to the name, from the 700s into the 1200s. Though, since many were French, it’s possible that they pronounced the name ah deh LAY.


They’re mostly confined to history books these days, but these evolutions of the name make it easier to trace the origins of Heidi. These spellings reinforce the name’s German origin.


Sister to William the Conqueror, she’s sometimes recorded as Adelaide. Adeliza held the title of countess in her own right.


An obscure variant, Aleydis garnered some attention when Tracy Chevalier gave it to a character in 1999’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. Though she’s not the girl in question; that was Griet, a servant. Aleydis was, in fiction and reality, one of Vermeer’s many children.



It’s a go-to nickname for lots of the Adelaide names, as well as nearly anything starting with Ad. But it also fits in with names like Sadie and Hattie.


A Dutch nickname for Adelaide.


Along with Ahlet, Aleit developed in German as a contracted form of Adelheit. The name was imported to Scandinavia, and continued to evolve.


Delia might be short for Cordelia, or possibly a cousin to Delilah. But Adelaide-called-Delia works every bit as well.


Ella, Stella, Bella … why not Della? Del and Delle might work, too, along the lines of Elle and Nell.


Adding a -ke or -ka forms a diminutive in several languages. It’s not a stretch from Adelke to Elke. The Germans pronounce it more like el keh, but it’s so rare in English that it might easily become el kee, which seems to be the Spanish version, too.


Part pig-tailed little girl in the Swiss Alps, part supermodel turned business mogul, Heidi packs a punch. The name had a good run in the 1970s and 80s, but rather than hibernating, Heidi continues to attract attention.



Ada doesn’t feel like one of the Adelaide names. It stands on its own, a mini name with plenty of namesakes and an independent story.


Another spelling for Adeline that almost rivals the original.


Depending on your perspective, Adalyn is either Ada plus Lyn/Lynn, or a spelling variation of Adeline.


Spare, tailored Adele re-entered the US popularity charts thanks to the powerhouse singer. But it doesn’t seem to have gained traction the way other Adelaide names have. It might make a particularly attractive middle name, an alternative to Marie and Elise.


Just add -ina to any of the Adel- names.


Adeline is a Top 100 pick. Tally up all the possible spellings –  at least nine appear in the curretn US Top 1000 – and it is powerfully popular indeed.


Another Adeline option, possibly intended to emphasize a preferred pronunciation.


One more take on Adeline.


A classic in its own right, storybook Alice brings to mind many a historical and fictional figure. It comes from contracting Adalheidis to Adalais, and then Alais … and eventually Alice.


Take Alice, add the -ia ending, and you’ll arrive at Alicia. Widely popular in Europe, the name spent the 1970s, 80s, and 90s in the US Top 100, too. Other spellings include Alycia, Alysia, Aleesha, and Alecia – to name just a few.


There’s more than one backstory for Alina, but it certainly belongs with the Adelaide names – at least some of the time.


Some contend that this name means son of Alan (or Alexander), a Scottish last name with masculine roots. Others note that -on was sometimes used as a diminutive ending, like -ette or -ina, making this a Norman French nickname for Aalis – Alis, eventually Alice. It turns out that both are true, and have co-existed for generations. The surname was typically Allison; while the Alice spin-off would’ve commonly been spelled with a single L. And Alison was the spelling that first caught on in the US for girls, while Allison was sometimes sparingly used for boys. Today they both read like tailored, but feminine favorites. 

Worth noting: standardized spelling is very new. Allison is also recorded as a form of Alice in the Middle Ages. Odds are that the surname was spelled several different ways over the years, too.


Take Alicia, mix in a dose of the alyssum flower, and this very popular name from the 1990s is the result. Other spellings, like Alissa, are sometimes seen.

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It looks like another Adeline variation, but it probably started out as Adallindis. The second element mean tender, makign this a slightly different name.


Adele with an ‘a’ ending, Adela has been out of the US Top 1000 since the late 1950s.


Add a stylish -ia ending to Adele, and suddenly Adelia feels like a cross between chart-topping Amelia and the Adelaide names.


You might hear this name in connection with penguins. French naval officer and amateur explorer Jules d’Urville named a species of smallish birds on the Antarctic coast after his wife, Adelie, back in 1840. It’s probably remained rare in English because it blurs with Natalie-hold-the-N, or maybe sounds like an Ada-Lee smoosh.


Take Adela and add the Spanish diminutive -ita.


Pronounced AY leesh or sometimes AY lish, depending on your accent, Ailis is a Scottish and Irish form of Alice.


Parents might have invented either of these names, though they seem to have come from Ahlet.


Alix is a medieval French form of Alice, which puts it two generations removed from Adelaide, but still part of the same family. We probably see it as an Alexandra spin-off now. The Russian tsarina, Empress Alexandra, who died with her family, was born Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine.

What do you think of Adelaide names? Are there any variations that you would use? Which are your favorites?

First published on November 15, 2013, this post was revised on June 30, 2020 and November 27, 2024.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I love so many of the Adelaide names! I have friends named Adelaide “Addie” and Sienna-Adelie, which I think are both gorgeous. Ada and Adi are both hidden up on my family tree. I think my favorite is Alice, though, or maybe Adeliza.

  2. I like Adeliza, Adie, and Lady a lot. So many options for Adelaide I’d never considered before, but they’re all good.

  3. We had a daughter earlier this year and named her Adelaide. I saw the name on a stree sign 16 years ago and have loved it ever since. I love older names and love the rich history of the name too. We call her Adie (pronounced like Addie). Thanks for this posting, I learned a lot about the name and love it even more now.