Sunday SummaryIf you’re in the United States, happy last weekend of summer!

Labor Day is the unofficial start of Fall here in the US – though here in Washington DC, it finally feels like summer, with our usual heat and humidity making its first real appearance, just in time for back to school.

No class lists yet, but there are definitely some new students with great names. My son has a classmate called Clark! And there’s a Jagger in their school, too – I spotted a kiddo with a personalized backpack during the first day of school opening ceremony. The whole school directory comes out later this month, and I can’t wait to see it.

Have your kids started school yet? Are there any great names in their classes?

Elsewhere online:

  • This quote from the lovely Duana: names that are popular are always fundamentally great – yes! So true. There’s nothing wrong with using a popular name.
  • Wow, this is quite an international round-up at Beliebte-Vornamen! I glanced at it and didn’t realize how extraordinary it was until Clare pointed it out on her – her observations are another reason I love following her page.  I think Thalis Matheo is the name that has me most curious.
  • Confetti cannons at the ready, now. Congratulations to Skye on his fourth year anniversary at Names in Trend!
  • Twin boys, and competing traditions at Swistle.
  • Nancy may have found the most eclectic sibset ever – Pleiades! Almira Melphomenia! And the youngest, Encyclopedia Britannica. I’d like to invite those parents to dinner – if only I lived in 1814 New York.
  • Speaking of unusual names, I’ve also found Quitterie appealing – and yet, thanks to starting with the word quit, I’d call it unwearable.  But oh, listen to that story from Portugal, and the names of Quiteria and her nine sisters.
  • Charlotte’s question is one that I tangled with myself.
  • Which brings me to Anna’s article – I didn’t know my chosen name, Abigail, had a whole other history in Australia! How can I conspire to spend a few weeks in Australia?
  • Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, hyphen names are such a big British phenomenon. Elea has the full report.  Spoilers: lots of Lily, and Lilly, and Lillie. Also some Ellie.
  • Agatha Summer! What a gorgeous, glorious name.
  • Okay, I’ll admit it – I can’t wait to hear what Jill Duggar Dillard names her baby.
  • Thanks to Jennie for sending this link from Scary Mommy!  It’s the funny take on my Crazy Baby Names post.  And hey, #7 isn’t really such wacky advice – the communities at AppMtn have done a great job helping parents choose names!
  • Some unusual -ine names up at Sophie’s site this week.  Oh, and if you’re on Pinterest, she finds some fabulous images for her Names board.

That’s all for this week! As always, thank you so very much for reading – and have a great week!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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