Autumn boy names embody the spirit of the season. They’re outdoorsy and adventurous. And while the forests and the trees aren’t specific to autumn, there’s something about hiking or camping in the fall woods that feels especially right.

For boy names that strike a cozy, capable note, you might be looking for a homespun boy name like Arlo or Emmett.

These names are more on the nose, specifically suggesting all things fall. They’re word names, many of them borrowed from the natural world and the colors that define the months of September, October, and November.

ADAM (#102)

Traditional Adam doesn’t immediately signal autumn. But one of several possible origins for the name is “red earth.” That feels quite appropriate for the season. If you like your autumn boy names subtle and traditional, Adam works.

ALDER (unranked)

One of many tree names on this list, Alder’s leaves are spectacular in the autumn.

AUBURN (unranked)

A color name, as well as a football powerhouse, Auburn sounds like boy names Austin and Ashton and maybe a little like Adam, too.

BIRCH (unranked)

A tree name, known for its white bark as well as the colors of its leaves in the fall.

BLAZE (#765)

A fiery name that could signal the summer heat, or the campfires of fall.

BRUNO (#708)

A traditional boy name with a seasonally appropriate color meaning: brown. Thanks to animated musical hit Encanto, Bruno even has a built-in song.

FORREST (#427)

A surname name long heard as a first, Forrest sounds outdoorsy and rugged – but still just polished enough.

GARNER (unranked)

To garner is to gather. That sounds just right for the season of the harvest and Thanksgiving.

GOLDEN (unranked)

A glowing color name that brings to mind the colors of the season.

GRANGER (unranked)

This surname name refers to a farm steward, one who oversaw a granary or storehouse.

HARVEST (unranked)

A word name specifically associated with the autumn.

HAWTHORN (unranked)

Hawthorn shrubs are known for their red berries, a color that feels at-home in the season. Surname spelling Hawthorne works, too, but might feel a bit more literary.

HAYDEN (#368)

Hayden brings to mind hay bales, and indeed, that’s almost what it means: hay hill.

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NASH (#259)

Nash means “at the ash tree,” a quiet nature name that feels right at home on this list.

OAK (unranked)

A strong and might name, in just three letters.

OAKS, OAKES (unranked)

Oak with the stylish -S ending of surnames like Brooks.

OAKLEY (#396)

This surname with a sporty edge is even more popular for girls.

OCTAVIAN (unranked)

Octavian means eight, but it brings to mind the month of October.

OCTOBER (unranked)

Speaking of the month, October might be on the right side of wearable. One reason: built-in nickname Toby/Tobey.

RADLEY (unranked)

This surname name means “red clearing,” which sounds just right for autumn.

ROWAN (#76)

An upbeat Irish surname with a colorful meaning: red.

RUSSET (unranked)

Sure, it’s a potato. But it’s also a reddish-brown color.

RUSTY (unranked)

Rusty comes from the reddish-brown color of rust, and while it’s uncommon now, Rusty ranked in the US Top 1000 for half of the twentieth century.

RYE (unranked)

Rye grass is a cousin to wheat, which makes it sound seasonal. And since we name our sons Ryan and Kai, why not Rye?


Wildly rare, this night sky name brings to mind the constellation and the star sign for children born from late October through much of November – peak autumn.

SORRELL (unranked)

A French surname name meaning reddish brown, often associated with horses.

WOODROW (unranked)

A surname that means row of houses by the woods, Woodrow is the given name of actor Woody Harrelson.

What are your favorite autumn boy names?

Originally published on October 13, 2020, this post was updated and re-published on September 4, 2021; July 25, 2022; and September 18, 2024.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I find it somewhat ironic that the first name on the list of names inspired by fall is … Adam.

    I definitely associate Adam with The Fall, if not specifically Fall. Though I do understand your reasoning for including it on this list.

  2. Scorpius deserves a spot on this list, but this list is GREAT. I mean maybe not because it might not really catch on, but it’s for sure my favorite fall name for boys.

  3. With the popularity of Emmett and Beckett, combined with the familiarity of Russel, I can definitely see Russet catching on.