Name Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every week, one reader’s name questions will be discussed. We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight! To have your question considered, email appmtn (at) gmail. Looking for your own private #namehelp post? Order one here.


Taylor writes:

We have two girls, Stella Carey and Poppy Marie. Our third daughter will be here in early April. If her name was up to me, I’d call her Lola Colette. It was my favorite name for our daughter, Poppy, but my husband didn’t like the way Stella and Lola ended with the same sound.

I could see that it wasn’t ideal, so we kept looking and ended up naming our second daughter Poppy, which fits her so well.

Now I think that we could absolutely use the name Lola for this daughter, because Stella, Poppy, and Lola sound great together.

If not Lola, I’ve suggested Isla, Edie, and Hadley.

My husband isn’t sold, though, and so I think I need new ideas that don’t end with -la, but also don’t end with -y/-ee.

The only thing I’ve come up with maybe is Harlow, but I don’t think it’s the right name. My husband isn’t picky (really!) but he’s more into giving thumbs up/thumbs down than coming up with name ideas. I think we could really use some new ideas.

Can you and your readers help?

Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.

baby girl wearing headband asleep on fuzzy blanket; What would you name a sister for Stella and Poppy?
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Abby replies:

Congratulations on your new daughter!

I think your husband is kinda right about Lola being a little close as a sister for Stella. If nothing else, it makes naming future daughters just a little bit harder because those two names are so similar.

And I think you’re absolutely right about Lola working well now that there’s Poppy in the middle. Also: avoiding -la endings isn’t the same as avoiding -a endings, right? I wonder if you’re avoiding Maya as well as Mila, if you know what I mean?

Another hurdle: Stella and Poppy are both gently nature-related names. I realized that my brain kept trying to continue the theme. Nova, no, Violet – wait!

But then … I did end up adding a few to the list, because maybe that connection would appeal?

Let’s jump into the list!



One of my favorite Anna names, on all of our minds thanks to the luminous Anya Taylor-Joy.


A twist on Edie that adds a different ending sound into the mix.


A brief and complete name as glittering as a jewelry box.


A mainstream favorite now, though Juniper would’ve been quite surprising even a dozen years ago – kind of like Stella and Poppy.


Spare and restrained Laine seems like a modern choice with enough traditional appeal.


I’m not sure why, but I think Harlow and Marlo/Marlowe have very different vibes. Maybe it’s because Marlo is a sparky retro name, which feels more like a sister for Stella and Poppy than modern Harlow? Though the spelling Marlowe is more common, and I like it with your girls’ names, too.


A sweet mini name with international appeal.


Something about the letter Z makes Zara sound like a stand-out choice, as appealing as Stella and Poppy.

Overall, I really like Mina with Stella and Poppy. Mina Colette, maybe? But I wonder if Eden would work, especially because you might still use the nickname Edie. Plus, Eden has a slight nature name vibe, thanks to the Garden of. I like the idea of Eden Eloise, because you keep a little bit of the Lola sound with her middle name.

Of course, if your husband changes his mind? I’d be Team Lola, too!

Readers, over to you! What would you name a sister for Stella and Poppy?

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. What about April? That’s her birth month, right? And it’s a nature name, two syllables, and has a different ending than her sisters.

    Stella, Poppy, and April.
    April Collette

    From Abby’s list, Gemma feels so right!

    Congratulations and best wishes!

    1. I think this is a great suggestion.
      Stella, Poppy and April Collette.

      Other than this Lois someone else suggested is nice too.

    2. I was just about to suggest April too! (And even if she is born in March, April still works as a nod to her due date / spring time / time when your family is expecting to grow ๐Ÿ™‚ )

      I love Stella, Poppy and April together.

  2. I think Lola is great with Stella and Poppy! Eden was the first idea to pop in my head when you said you were hoping to find something that didn’t end in -ie or -a

    A few other suggestions:

    Stella, Poppy, and Willow; this one is my favorite because all 3 names have different endings, they’re all nature related, and they all have double letters as well

    Stella, Poppy, and Brooke ^also follows above pattern
    Stella, Poppy, and Wren
    Stella, Poppy, and Violet
    Stella, Poppy, and Hazel
    Stella, Poppy, and Georgia
    Stella, Poppy, and June
    Stella, Poppy, and Eloise

  3. I’m loving the idea of a bright, one syllable name:

    Stella, Poppy, and Joy
    Stella, Poppy, and June
    Stella, Poppy, and Tess
    Stella, Poppy, and Liv
    Stella, Poppy, and Claire
    Stella, Poppy, and Mae
    Stella, Poppy, and Brynn
    Stella, Poppy, and Lark

    A couple of other suggestions:
    Stella, Poppy, and Willow
    Stella, Poppy, and Clara
    Stella, Poppy, and Haven
    Stella, Poppy, and Ava
    Stella, Poppy, and Eliza

  4. Stella, Poppy and…

    My favorites would be Opal or Iris…or maybe Briar.

  5. I think there is a certain energy to Stella, Poppy, and Lola. They feel bright and happy. With that in mind

    I like the suggestion of Laine

  6. Now that someone mentioned the double letters, I can’t unsee that sweet tie-in! I’ll add Quill and Britt. Or what about the middle name you had from Lola – Colette? She could be Coco for short? But I think I’d only try for that if this is the last kid, otherwise it’ll just get harder.

    Love the suggestions of Juno and Cleo. Those are super quirky and also get you the strong O sound you love from Lola. How about Coral or Imogen?

    For this set, I highly recommend Winter! Or if you’re really brave, how about Friday?

  7. Congratulations on baby number 3!
    I like Abbyโ€™s suggestion of Eden.
    Some other names I thought of:
    *Gwen -Stella, Poppy and Gwen
    *Wren -Stella, Poppy & Wren (keeps the nature theme)
    *Rose -Stella, Poppy & Rose (too floral?)
    *Joy -Stella, Poppy & Joy

  8. Hi! I like the idea of different endings for each of the names and possibly different first initials too. What do you think about the following names:


    Of the names suggested, I think Eden I like the best because it has a different first initial, also two syllables, and different ending! I also just like the name.

    Sending all best wishes!!

  9. I LOVE Abby’s suggestion of Gemma for you – it continues the double letter, has the “a” ending like Stella but sounds different enough since it’s -ma instead and has 5 letters like Poppy. This sib set sounds lovely!

    Some other double letter names with different endings could be: Brynn, Brooke, Jill, Reese, Tess, Quinn, Willow

    Other names that have a similar “vibe” to my ears as your older two with their own distinct ending sound: Margo, June / Juno, April, Iris, Irene, Claire, Alice

    Congratulation and please let us know what you choose!