baby name GilbertThe baby name Gilbert combines surname style with old school gentleman charm.

Thanks to Katherine for suggesting GIlbert as our Baby Name of the Day.


It’s easy to think of Gilbert as a last name.

But the first name Gilbert came, well, first.

It’s originally Germanic, one of many the Normans imported to England.

It means “bright pledge.” That familiar -bert ending is from beraht – bright, while the first syllable comes from gisil – pledge or hostage. In Latin, it’s sometimes Giselbertus, along with the more predictable Gilbertus.

Hostages, in this context, weren’t exactly prisoners. Just like a marriage could be used to cement a political alliance or financial arrangement, it was also possible to send a hostage to uphold the agreement. They were more like guests, or possibly wards.

In addition to Gilbert, names like Gilbald and Giseltrude are found dotting medieval documents.

And beraht, of course, gives us names ending with -bert from Albert and Robert to Egbert and Dilbert.

More poetic meanings, like “bright oath” and “shining promise” are often given for the baby name Gilbert. That sounds quite valiant, even if they’re a little imprecise.


As it happens, the baby name Gilbert was popular during the Middle Ages.

The Normans brought it to England. The 12th century Norman Earl of Pembroke was Gilbert de Clare.

Three Saints Gilbert date from the early Middle Ages. The wealthy and well-born Gilbert of Sepringhman used his fortune to found monasteries and convents. Gilbert of Dornoch served as bishop in Scotland and Gilbert of Meaux served as bishop in France.


The popular pet form of the baby name Gilbert for at least some of these centuries was not Gil, but Gib.

Gib also referred to a male cat. In Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Falstaff complains, “Sblood, I am as melancholy as a gib cat or a lugged bear.” It’s an obscure reference, but an intriguing one.

This means, of course, that surnames like Gibbs and Gibson come from Gilbert.


One more famous figure? Gilbert was a family name for the Marquis de Lafayette.

Despite the success of Hamilton, we rarely think of the French arisocratic soldier as having a given name at all. But Lafayette was born Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier.

His family was a big deal. Back in the day, Gilbert Motier de La Fayette served as a Marshal of France. During the Hundred Years’ War, he served capably as a military commander. In 1429, he fought alongside Joan of Arc.


Fast-forward to the Victorian era and W.S. Gilbert collaborated with Arthur Sullivan on a string of popular comedies.

Where would musical theater be without the Pirates of Penzance?


This brings us to North America, to arguably the most famous Gilbert – the literary Gilbert Blythe.

Invented by author Lucy Maud Montgomery for her Anne of Green Gables series, Gilbert is handsome and popular. He grows into a reliable, successful, and devoted doctor and husband to Anne.

Actor Lucas Jade Zumann played the part for the most recent adaptation of the stories, Anne With an E.


If not Blythe, you might think of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? 

The 1993 coming-of-age drama starred a young Johnny Depp as Gilbert, and an equally young Leonardo DiCaprio as his younger brother, Arnie. The role earned DiCaprio his first Academy Award nomination.


Or maybe you’re a fan of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. The long-running CBS crime drama gave us Gilbert “Gil” Arthur Grissom, a long-running character on both the originals series and the spin-off CSI: Vegas. Grissom is a foresnic entomologist, played by William Petersen.


Many more Gilberts dot the pop culture landscape. There’s comedian Gilbert Gottfried, and Beaver Cleaver’s buddy Gilbert Bates on Leave it to Beaver. Retired NBA star Gilbert Arenas makes the name athletic, too.

It’s not surprising that the baby name Gilbert is so ever-present.

It ranked in the US Top 1000 every year from 1880 through 2016. That’s quite a run! The name peaked in 1929/30, when it reached as high as #91.

The romance language Gilberto had a good run, too, but left the rankings after 2013.


Despite Gilbert’s fall from favor, it remains in use. During 2021, 158 boys were named Gilbert.

If you’re after a name that sounds just right on a little gentleman, Gilbert has potential. With all the Anne of Green Gables energy and history to spare, Gilbert is a good choice for parents after an underused, traditional name.

Gil belongs on the same playground as Jack and Charlie, and promises to age well, too.

If you’re after a name that everyone knows, but no one is using, Gilbert has potential.

What do you think of the baby name Gilbert?

First published on July 19, 2008, this post was revised and re-published on October 25, 2022.

baby name Gilbert baby name Gilbert

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I quite like the thought of Gillespie but would never go there – nope I’m firmly behind Gilbert. I’ll second Another’s suggestion of Arthur as a name of the day too! 🙂

  2. Thaat makes sense now. I must’ve missed the “weasel out ” phrase eariler. 🙂 And yeah, it would be a slight stretch but I’ve heard odder. 😀

  3. Nope, not missing a thing: I pronounce like Jiles too, which is why I said I’d have to “weasel it out.” I see it along the lines of using Cat as a nn for Catherine; the letters are all there, even if the specific sound isn’t.

  4. Awww. Gilbert is so cute in an incredibly geeky way, like Henry! I think Gilbert, Henry, and Dexter would be an awesome sibset.

    I could totally see musicians using Gillespie, too. It’s a surname with an accessible, user-friendly nickname. It’s dramatic, but no more than a lot of other choices out there, like Coriander!

  5. But Giles doesn’t have a Gil- sound! I think Giles is snappy but not as warm as Gilbert (I can understand if he doesn’t appeal, Catherine). Or am I completely missing something? Giles is ‘jiles’ to me, soft ‘G’. I think Nursery rhyme: Oranges & Lemons (but the words I learned are apparently alternates):
    “Oranges and Lemons” say the bells of St Clement’s.
    “Bull’s eyes and targets” say the bells of St Margaret’s.
    “Brickbats and tiles” say the bells of St Giles’.
    “Halfpence and farthings” say the bells of St Martin’s.
    “Pancakes and fritters” say the bells of St Peter’s. [alternately: “Old shoes and slippers”]
    “Two sticks and an apple” say the bells of Whitechapel.
    “Pokers and tongs” say the bells of St John’s.
    “Kettles and pans” say the bells of St Anne’s.
    “Old Father Baldpate” say the slow bells of Aldgate.
    “You owe me ten shillings” say the bells of St Helen’s.
    “When will you pay me?” say the bells of Old Bailey.
    “When I grow rich” say the bells of Shoreditch.
    “Pray when will that be?” say the bells of Stepney.
    “I do not know” says the great bell of Bow.
    Here comes a candle to light you to bed,
    Chip chop, chip chop, the last man’s dead.

    Sorry for the highjack. I’m fairly proud of knowing this one, It was one of the first pieces of anything I memorised (and Baldpate still makes me giggle a bit like a five year old) 😛

    I like Giles but am still firmly behind Gilbert

  6. Well, as much as I love Gilbert Blythe, this name just doesn’t roll off the tongue for me. The LLLL sound makes me feel…yucky somehow. However, you did menion Arthur Sullivan in today’s article – how about doing a post on ol’ Arthur? Art is a great nickname, don’t you agree?

  7. All I can think is Gilbert Gottfried, which isn’t the best association. I can just hear his voice grating in my head now. I can’t get behind Gilbert, or even Gil all that much. Gil just reminds me of fish. However, if I were to use it, I’d probably weasel it out of Giles (which I love and would use it in full if I were to use it). Can’t get behind it today, sorry!

  8. I like Gil too, but I find I’ve been really preferring the old, medieval nicknames, so the aforementioned Gib is even more appealing to me! Gil is adorable (but Gilly’s a weed, both HP and George Martin’s “Ice & Fire” series have Gilly as a weed/flower in them. (I read far too much sci-fi/fantasy)!

  9. The inspiration for suggesting this name was Gilbert Blythe, Anne’s witty, teasing, self-assured rival (and later lone interest and later still husband) in Anne of Green Gables.

    Gilbert is a stuffy name but then again I love stuffy (I mean I suggested Prudence for goodness sake!) Can I also just say how cute is Gil/Gilly?! Adorable.

    Appellation Mountain always hits the nail on the head and I lcompletely concur with what you say about Gilbert being appealing because of it’s ‘stands-out-but-not-far-out quality which is definately something I seek from a name.

  10. Yet again a solid choice! I hate to say this but I know two.. one’s in his 50’s and his son, all of 2. He’s not fnd of his name but Mom kept pushing for a little Gil with every pregnancy. Big Gil made a deal, if it was a boy and was born on his birthday, Gilbert he’d be, after Dad (but no Junior!) 🙂 And now he’s 2 and has a little sister, Eleanor (after Grandma!) They’re the youngest in the biggest family I know (14 or 15 people total and I can’t remember the middle ones!)
    Beyond Gilbert & Sullivan (now Sullivan’s a warm surname and Sully’s pretty cool, hmm?) ther’s Gil Gerard (born Gilbert C Gerard) aka Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. A big staple of my childhood.

    Anyhoo, I find Gilbert a bit stuffy (in a good way) and warm. Really friendly feeling too and completely charming. I would not mind knowing another Gilbert or six, the one I’ve known, is a stand up, do right guy, awesome!