Jupiter is spacey, but could this name be just on the right side of daring?
Thanks to Emilie for suggesting our Baby Name of the Day: Jove.
Jove is far from common – Nancy tells us that just ten boys received the name in 2009. But review the list of J names given to boys, and you’ll notice Jovan. Parents could have invented him by stringing together appealing sounds, but he’s also one of the many international variants of John. Other names on the list favor the sound, too: Jovani, Jovel, Jovian.
Jove is an alternate name for Jupiter, king of the gods in the Roman pantheon. He’s the chief, the mac daddy. There’s a Latin grammar lesson required to explain the link between Jupiter and Jove, so let’s just say that descriptive terms for the god, and the planet that bears his name, revert to the earlier form: jovian.
Tales of the thunderbolt-wielding monarch fill books. He was worshipped in the largest temple on Capitoline Hill. Just as we swear to tell the whole truth in court proceedings by placing our hand on a Bible, ancient Romans swore “by Jove.” And yet today, say Jupiter and most of us will think of the planet – again, the largest planet in our solar system – the one that bears his name.
Jovianus had some use in Ancient Rome. Flavius Jovianus became emperor in the fourth century, but his reign lasted all of eight months. He’s remembered for ending Christian persecutions, substituting the persecution of pagans instead. An elite unit of guards charged with protecting the emperor were known as the Jovians. And centuries later, Italian poet Giovanni Pontano wrote as Jovianus Pontanus in the 1400s.
But mostly, Jove is a rarity as a given name through the generations. There are a few uses that might ring a bell:
- Jove Books publishes paperbacks, mostly on the sci fi to romance continuum;
- In the Philippines, Jove Francisco is a TV5 anchor – but he was born Joseph Vincent;
- Florida’s Jupiter Inlet traces its name to the Hobe tribe, who lived there at the time of the Spanish settlement. Hobe was written in Spanish as Jobe; a mapmaker misunderstood it at Jove, and the name stuck. A nearby town is called Juno Beach.
None of this makes Jove sound particularly appealing, but here’s one thing that might be in his favor: our word jovial. Jovial means merry, mirthful. Astrologers believed that the planet exerted a positive influence, bringing good fortune to those born under his signs, Sagittarius and Pisces. Other names with similiarly upbeat meanings, like Asher and Felix, are quite current.
Throw in Jove’s bright sound, celestial starbabies like Orion and the rise of little rulers like Kingsley and Kingston, and we could be just one appealing television character away from Jove finding favor with more adventurous parents.
I named my daughter Jove, she is beautiful, strong and has the sweetest personality! Her friends call her Jovie:)
We named our son Jove Leon in 2002 after listening to holsts planet suite, with Jupiter being the bringer of joy. Haven’t come across any others before or or since, but thought it sounded strong and masculine. He’s happy with it and other people seem to like it here in the UK.
Ooh, Jove would work beautifully as a little brother for my Felix… hmmm! 🙂
Jove is pretty cool! It does sound jovial … and I think word associations can subconsciously play a big role in which names we think are attractive.
I wouldn’t call a kid Zeus, but Jove seems a bit more wearable for some reason.
Regarding Demeter — I love Dmitri, too, and Demitra is actually a family name for us, so we’ve considered using a form of this name.
SkyeRhyly, I actually knew a Dimitri, I had a class with him a few years ago. He was from Sarajevo, and wrote a beautiful story about growing up there-and yes, it was about war. He was also a hottie!
I am not a fan of Jove. Most of my favorite names for both genders are longer. (Exception: Claire) It might make a great middle name-for someone else!
A “J” name the Duggars haven’t thought of yet!
I’d use Jupiter, Jove and Juno on a little boy. I find these names really fun and jovial.
I’m just not finding Jove so usable, certainly not as a first name. Maybe I’m not so bold – well, I’m not – but its very much like King or Rex, other names I wouldn’t use. Great pet names with style, but for a child? Not mine. I’d also be saying “by Jove” all the time to myself, so that wouldn’t be so good for me. Nope, Zeus’ name is off-limits in my opinion!
I do love the energy and spunk of the name’s sound, though, so I’m willing to concede that it would make a fine middle for some more classic boy’s name – I’m thinking along the lines of Christopher Jove or maybe even Samuel Jove…
I think mythological names are such fun, but are many actually wearable? We’ve got Zeus, Jupiter (Jove), Hera, Juno, Hades, Hestia, Vesta, Poseidon, Neptune, Demeter, and so many more – sorry, my years and years of Latin are failing me now – but what really works today? I’d say Juno is a winner, as App Mtn baby Juno Kate and her family would agree, but I’d be hard pressed to use the others, myself. Sure, Aurora and Maia are different, and maybe Hermes, but the big guys are a little too much for me and my classic style. Just a personal preference!
I agree, it’s matter of style with these names. I think that Flora (Roman flower goddess) and Dimitri (which I think is from Demeter) are more my style.
Oh, yes, I think Flora is beautiful! I’d imagine some people might say Flora needs a kick in the pants or something, because admittedly she isn’t as fun and flavorful as Juno or Jove, but I think she makes up for it in elegance and femininity…
By the way, Dimitri or Dmitri are totally cool – I’d love to meet one! I met a Balthasar once and Dimitri would be a cool brother for him.
Jove is one of the few J names on my boys list 🙂 It’s wonderful, but I still find it slightly abrupt as a first name and would probably only use it in the middle unless all my children had short mythological names or something along those lines… 🙂
Jove would be a great mn (my bf and I once agreed to name a hypothetical daughter Saoirse Jove -but I just had to google for 3 three minutes to figure out how to spell Saoirse and frankly I hate the look of it in spite of its attractive sound). Jove seems too abrupt for a first name but I like it as a sturdy middle.
Claire, might you try Sorcha as a Saoirse compromise? Its a similar-sounding name with a slightly more natural look about it…