Adam Sandler is a dad again! His wife Jackie gave birth to the couple’s second daughter on November 2, and reports are that everyone is doing fine.

While their firstborn’s name – Sadie Madison – isn’t our style, we rather like her jazzy vibe. But if Sadie is a diminutive that can stand alone, the couple has gone deep into nickname territory for their second daughter’s given name: Sunny Madeline.


About Abby Sandel

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What do you think?


  1. Allison, that’s an interesting point – it may well be an homage to Dad’s character, just like Sadie’s middle name Madison.

    Emmy Jo, I love the idea of Sadie and Lucy as sisters! And Lola, LOL at your renaming – I think your choices are quite elegant.

    I wonder if the Titone-Sandlers are planning more children. If so, what will they be called? Sissy Margaret? Susie Meghan? I feel like I’m naming Cabbage Patch Kids.

  2. well here are my thoughts-
    the matchiness is too cutesy. Two names beginning with S, okay..
    Sadie – 10 years ago I would have thought this terribly old-fashioned and countryish. Now I see some charm in it though I much prefer Sara.
    Madison – tired of it.
    Madeline – nice, but also tired of it and don’t like nn Maddie. Love French spelling Madeleine but also prefer the French pronunciation (Mod-LEN, approximately)..would be difficult to get people to say it that way in the US.
    Sunny – never, never as a full name. She has no options .. something more formal or professional to use. And what if your personality is not too sunny? and yes, sounds like the boy’s nickname Sonny.

  3. Wasn’t Sonny Adam Sandler’s character in Big Daddy? Maybe it has some familial meaning or sentimental reference.