Welcome to this week’s edition of name news 8.11.24!

Advice: The Problem with Pro/Con Lists

Have you ever had to make a big decision, one where there’s no obvious choice? One common strategy: make a pro/con list.

It’s great advice. Should you move to that neighborhood? A shorter commute and better childcare options are obvious Pros, weighed against the Cons of higher rent and the complications of moving.

But it’s not necessarily great advice when emotions are in play. Your husband wants a junior; you do not. It’s easy to make a Pro list. (Tradition! His family will be thrilled! The decision is made!) Your Con list might seem relatively weak in comparison. Except … your Con list is mostly a voice inside your head shouting “but I want to choose my son’s name!”

And that voice? It’s worth listening to, and it deserves at least as much weight as two or three or more of the considerations in the Pro column.

So go ahead and make a Pro/Con list if you think it will help. But reserve the right to add the most important considerations in all caps, black marker, underlined.

Some reasons just plain count more.

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Private #namehelp Sale Extended

Love the #namehelp posts, but don’t want to share your questions publicly? Thanks to your requests, the summer sale is extended and spots are open into early September.

Want to talk over a naming decision? Calls are open for the next week. I’m taking a summer break after that, but dates are open for later in August and early September.

And thank you for sharing your insights for #namehelp in a blended family. If you’d like a public #namehelp post, please email your question to appmtn (at) gmail.

  • Jade, a colorful choice that satisfies parents who love Ruby and Sloane.
  • Jago, the rare O-ending name that isn’t trending … yet.
  • Alfred, because Theodore used to be an overlooked classic, too.

Favorite Blog Posts & Name Lists

I’ve been wondering why the name Simone isn’t attracting more attention. Laura’s analysis explains it all. Of course, this also makes me think that choosing Simone for a daughter now is an even smarter choice, because the name seems likely to remain relatively uncommon.

Scarlett, Rowan, Ruby … red is the color that drives some of the most stylish names now, and there’s a long list of possibilities inspired by the color.

Pearl and Lark compiled an amazing list of forgotten girls’ names. Clarice, Sybil, Polly!

But wait, why don’t I like the equivalent boys’ name list quite as much? Yes to Gus and Hal and even Ralph, but I’m not sure I’m ready for Vernon, Gerald, and Elmer. (Of course if I met a kid with one of those names, I’m sure I’d change my mind immediately.)

Speaking of old school boy names, I love Gus – and so many of these longer names that shorten to Gus, too! (Just noticed that Virgil is on this list and Pearl and Lark’s suggestions, too!)

That’s all for this week! As always, thank you for reading and have a great week!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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1 Comment

  1. Polly is so cute! With the success of Holly and Molly, as well as the brand Princess Polly, I keep expecting to see it rise. But maybe we have a little while to wait.