Monday’s reaction to Lark for a girl was lukewarm. But Larkin for a boy seemed to attract some interest – and a comment from a mom who had already bestowed the name on her son!

It’s a surname choice and an old school diminutive for Laurence. If parents are cautiously reconsidering Robin for their sons, why not this one?

And so I put it to you, dear readers: Larkin, Yea or Nay?

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I had a good guy friend whose middle name was Larkin. He was killed in a car crash when he was 17, and a few years later his sister named her daughter after him- Mary Larkin. I think it’s a lovely name for a boy or girl.

  2. I really like Larkin, but could never use it since I grew up in India and the name sounds similar to the Hindi word for boy (roughly transliterated “larka”) and — even worse — for girl (“larkee”).

  3. I’m not a fan of surnames as first-names, but since my dad’s middle name is Lawrence and Lawrence doesn’t work with my surname… it’s a real possibility.

  4. Can’t get behind it but then I’m juvenile and like larkin’ about.

    Prefer to see on a boy though. So far, I’ve only seen it proposed for girls. I was pleased that a mother of a boy Larkin popped in on the Lark post.

    1. Replying to myself. So awesome.

      Speaking of Robin, I would use it if I could summon the courage. It would be a very bold and refreshing choice for a boy around here.

  5. Larken nn Lark on a girl is one of my biggest guilty pleasures. If I did meet a boy Larkin/Larken, though, I’d be pleasantly surprised!

  6. My son is Larkin, and to be honest most people respond about Philip Larkin as who he must be named after. He wasn’t, but it is a nice association, especially since I am a Librarian:)

  7. I’m not a big fan, though it certainly doesn’t fall on the “What were they thinking” list… For me, the strong -ar sound is just not attractive. Gets all caught up in my throat.

  8. I think I do like it, but probably wouldn’t use it myself. I’m sure if I met a little boy called Larkin I’d think it was a really cool name. 🙂

    I had to look it up, but there was a British poet called Philip Larkin – I guess I must have read his work in school – so that’s a good poetic association.