Happy Sunday! Er … on Monday.
First up: the next round of the Great Halloween Baby Names contest is live! Vote for your favorite Wizard names here, and your top Witch names here.
Elsewhere online:
- Place your bets! The bookies are already guessing what Meghan and Harry will name their firstborn.
- Duana says that River and Rain are too close … but what is the right name for a sibling for River?
- Okay, I’m really liking a couple of the names on this list.
- Happy tenth birthday, Nameberry! Tons of interesting data here.
- A story of a kid called Sparkle. But not really. And I think her real name is marvelous. (Found via Clare’s ever-informative Scoop.it page.)
- Sibset spotting in British birth announcements: Felix, Hugo, and Ophelia. Lovely!
- I’m not watching The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix – at least, not yet. But a reader pointed out how great the names are, so I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. Characters include Theodora, Hazel, Nell, and Poppy. I’ve yet the original Shirley Jackson story that inspired the movie, but it’s been ages. I’m not clear if all of the names appear in the original, or if the plot is expanded beyond the original. Any know?
- Here’s a fascinating phenomenon: the kira-kira names of Japan. They’re extra cutesy choices, like, say Pikachu. Or Piano!
- This is the story of the week: powerful boy names, happy girl names. When it comes to modern word names, we choose very different concepts for our sons and daughters.
That’s all for this week! As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week!
Other than sharing a few character names, the show has very little to do with the novel.
When I read about the mom naming her daughter Ottoline, but call her Sp@rkle, I knew I had to comment. My little sister is named Sp@rkle (it’s her legal name), and she has always loved her name. She’s a grown-up now and it hasn’t been any issues with her being name Sparkle. It makes her memorable to everyone and no one ever forgets her name. Our family is patriotic, since I have another sister named L!berty.
Interesting article about the Japanese naming trend. Did you spot the name near the bottom which translates as ‘Wish’? What do you think of Wish as an interesting/fanciful middle name? It strikes my ear very nicely and has a beautiful meaning. Not sure if it is too out there or not??
Interesting … I can see it working.
This in regards to River and Rain being too close to be sibling names. That may be true– and I didn’t read all of Duana’s post. Just commenting on Courtney and Eric Waldrop’s selection of names for their sextuplets (they have TLC show): Rivers (f), Rayne (f) and Layke (m). The other three are Rawlings (f), Blu (m) and Tag (m). (Older brothers are Saylor, Bridge and Wales.)
Theodora nn Theo, Eleanor nn Nell, Hugh and Luke are all from the original story. Shirley is obviously a nod to the author, Shirley Jackson. There is a very limited cast of characters in the novel so the more secondary and tertiary characters in the show will likely not be names used in the novel.