Actress Marley Shelton and her husband Beau Flynn have welcomed a daughter named West.
Is it me, or does West Flynn sound like a sign I pass on the Interstate? “West Flynn, 23 miles. Conshohoken, 72 miles.” Or “West Flynn, Exit Only.”
That said, I don’t think it is the kookiest starbaby name we’ve heard recently. And there’s a sense of possibility and optimism that I kinda like.
It’s just not terribly girly. Here’s hopin’ her middle name is Elizabeth.
I must say that the name has a decidedly masculine ring to it. But then, right now it is popular to give girls boys’ names, so I guess this fits in.
I personally think that West should only ever be an abbreviation/nickname, never the complete moniker.
David Duchovny’s daughter go by West.
It does sound like a boy name – especially as I thought Flynn was the middle name, rather than the last name.
I remember being a teenager on a boring car ride, reading signs and thinking that North, South, East and West would be ‘cool’ baby names. I’d definitely prefer West as a boy’s name though.
I am so sick of celebrities trying to outdo one another. West. What an embarrassment for that poor little girl.
Considering I used to know a Westley that went by West, it does sound boyish!
It reminds me of Elisabeth Rohm’s daughter Easton.
My SIL wants to name her son Weston. How to talk her out of it?