Baby Name Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every Saturday, one reader’s name questions will be discussed.
We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight!
S and her partner are parents to Ge0rge S!nger and Zeld@ Marig0ld. They’re expecting a third child soon.
Their girls’ list has been narrowed down to Djuna, Alberta, Bernadette, and Mabel/Maybell, but they’re struggling to find ideas if baby #3 is a boy.
She writes:
We feel a bit like we’ve painted ourselves into a corner with the two names we’ve already used, and all the leftovers on our lists seem to go well enough with one of the kids’ names, but not both. I’m not overly concerned with matching, but I’m talking major outliers.
Of the new boy names we’ve considered, my partner likes NONE of them well enough to use. I have ultimate deciding power, but it’d be nice to find a name we both love.
Names that S likes, but her partner does not like:
- Harvey
- Barnaby
- Orson
- Ambrose
- Lawrence/Laurence
Names that both mostly like:
- Leo/Leopold (though I prefer Napoleon to get to Leo)
- Arlo (but we know a couple already)
- Francis
- Otto
- Theodore (though its popularity gives me pause)
S describes her both-mostly-like list as “sad, short, and meh,” so they’re not really finalists – at least it doesn’t sound that way.
She adds:
My last name is long, French, and starts with an L, so most L-ending names are out. The middle will probably be a two syllable S name (like S!nger) followed by Tom.
S describes names that they love:
- Subtle nature and virtue names
- Nothing religious
- Names you’d hear on really old folks and hippie communes
- Names to honor the writers and artists and characters we dig
And finally: I hate to ask for help because our other kids’ names are full of meaning to us, but we need help!
Read on for my answer – and please be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments!
Hi S –
So here’s the funny thing – as I was reading, a bunch of names popped into my head. Henry, Milo, Laszlo, Louis! All vintage boy names, mostly with a quirky-cool vibe. All of which are on your ruled-out-for-various-reasons list. And Otto, which made your maybe list.
The complete ruled-out list is as follows:
- Ira
- Cosmo
- Henry
- Milo
- Laszlo
- Asa
- Lou/Louis/Llewellyn
- Albert
- Clyde
- Oslo
- Franklin
- Lisle (like Lyle)
The more I think about, I think it is tough match Ge0rge and Zeld@. Ge0rge is a solid citizen, while Zeld@ is all jazz age excitement. Nothing mismatched about them – but a name like Henry feels so perfectly paired with Ge0rge that Zeld@ becomes the outlier. And if you went with something like Arlo, I can imagine that Ge0rge might strike others as a family name used out of obligation.
When I tried running the names through Nameberry’s Namehunter, the results were either awfully conservative (Edward) or terribly daring (Maceo). Neither direction feels quite right.
So this is a puzzle.
Here’s my suggestion: let’s take a walk back in time. You’ve got a definite preference for older names. Both George and Zelda were at their most popular in the early part of the twentieth century, so let’s look at 1900 – 1930 and see if some of those vintage boy names stand out:
- Dexter – Definitely a name more popular than in the past, but like your children’s names – and many names on your considered list – currently making a comeback. Ge0rge and Dexter sound like brothers; Zeld@ and Dexter sound like siblings. I think all three fit – Dexter splits the difference between buttoned-down Ge0rge and carefree Zeld@.
- August – You’ve mentioned subtle nature and virtue names – how ’bout one that is both? Like Dexter, I think this one splits the difference between your older kids’ names. On the down side, lots of related names, like Augustus and Augustine, are considered stylish, and the latter can be considered religious. On the plus side, do you know the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright August Wilson? It makes this name literary, and much more.
- Leland – Too preppy? It’s definitely from the same early part of the twentieth century, and I thought of it because Leo is on your list. But the only Leland who comes to mind for me is university-founder Leland Stanford. And while Leland is a great sound, it might be too much L- with your surname.
- Rufus – Rufus is mentioned in the New Testament, but I don’t think this one feels like a Biblical name in the same way that Ezekiel or Noah might. I think of William Rufus – William the Red.
- Doyle – I was surprised to find Doyle so highly ranked in the 1930s – the name peaked at #195 in 1931. There’s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, so it is easy to argue that there’s a literary tie here, too. And, like Dexter and August, I think Doyle strikes a midpoint between Ge0rge and Zeld@.
- Clark – I’ve always liked this name, the ordinary Joe disguise of Man-of-Steel Superman. The name is clunky and edgy at once – a little bit of a surprise. Ge0rge, Zeld@, and Clark – I think it makes for a really appealing trio.
- Forrest – Back on the nature name idea, how about Forrest? Or Forest? When it comes to finding a nature name, I leaned towards those that were in use in the early part of the twentieth century. Both spellings of this name fared well in that era, and I think that’s why Ge0rge and Forest/Forrest sound like brothers, without leaving Zeld@ out in the cold.
- Hugo – Since you’ve considered names like Milo and Arlo, I wanted to find another ‘o’ ending name for your list. Is it possible you’ve never talked about Hugo?
- Alder, Adler – Maybe it’s because of middle name S!nger, but I kept coming back to Alder, as in the tree, and Adler, as in the German surname meaning eagle. I think the gentler Alder might be the better fit for your family, but there’s something quite tempting about Adler, too.
- Burton – Lots of Bert/Burt names came up in my various searches, and Alberta made your girls’ shortlist, but Albert isn’t a possibility for a boy. Maybe Burton? As in Tim Burton and snowboards and Sir Richard Burton, who translated The Arabian Nights. Okay, and the Oscar-nominated actor Richard Burton, known for his tumultuous marriage to Elizabeth Taylor.
- Linus – Like Leland, I hesitated to add Linus to the list. In fact, I think this might be one of the great vintage boy names that just falls flat when paired with your last name. Still, I like it so much with Ge0rge and Zeld@ that I’m keeping it here, just in case.
- Galileo – Okay, Galileo is a total outlier. It’s never been in the US Top 1000, never even been given to more than 20 boys in a single year. (There were 13 newborn Galileos in 2013; the peak was about 15 boys.) So this one is rare, rare, rare. But if you like the idea of Leo, but are stuck between Leo/Leopold/Napoleon, I thought yet another option might be worth a look. No, the sound isn’t exactly right – but the letters are there. It seemed worth a mention.
And that brings me to my final point: many of these names feel like outliers now, but when you actually have the three children together in your home, I suspect they’ll feel like a perfect match as time goes by. None of your choices are forever-jarring, like sisters called Madison and Esther. The mismatch is slight, subtle enough that it’s only noticeable when trying to add another sibling to the mix. So I’d encourage you to use the name that you love, even if it isn’t necessarily a perfect style-sibling to Zeld@ and Ge0rge.
What suggestions do you have for S? Are there names that jump out of this list as great matches? Something I haven’t listed? Please add your thoughts below!
Abby, the littleun is coming soon, and we discovered before eyes could be averted that it’s a girl! I have a feeling you’ll like the front runner name for her if it works out. 🙂
We had settled on August for a boy, thanks to your advice, and I’m a little sad to let him go! He’d have been August Safran, the middle after a good friend and the first entirely attributable to you. Thanks again for your help! I’ll update you when the new arrival is here, if you’d like. <3
So excited to hear what you choose, Stefanie! And yes, of course, I’d love to know when she arrives. 🙂
Zelda immediately makes me think of F. Scott Fitzgerad, so I’ll toss in both Scott and Gerald as suggestions. (Gerald and George make a great pair, unless you don’t want siblings to share initials.)
Sullivan popped into my mind as a nice fit – Ge0rge, Zeld@ and Sullivan.
From your list, I adore Otto, and from Abby’s suggestions I think Forrest and Clark are the best. I also love the other suggestions of Caspian and Rex. How about Cedric, Shepard, Wilder, Benedict, Conrad, Reid, or Samson?
I love your girl’s list, but Mabel is definitely my favorite.
I love Rex as a nickname for Rolf. I also love Gus, Gunner, Axel, and Viggo (I have a penchant for Scandinavian names 🙂
Arlis immediately popped into my head. I didn’t really did it until i watched the now cancelled show Reckless, and seeing the name on a man made me start to really love it! I read Arlo and Francis back to back and thought it was a nice blend of tastes.
How about Gilbert? I just re-read Anne of Green Gables for the hundredth time, and fell even deeper in love with Gilbert Blythe! I have always loved the name Gilbert. Nickname of Gil… handsome, sweet, strong all at once.
Yes, love Gilbert, totally because of Gilbert Blythe. I think our Gilbert would be Bertie. It had been crossed off my list with the last kiddo but I’m putting it back on.
Here’s another vote for Gilbert! (Or how about Owen? My 2nd eldest nephew is named that, also from the Anne books.)
Ah, this is so fun! Thank you, Abby!
I really like Hugo, Alder, Linus, and August (Augie — so good. But too Catholic?). Linus is one I’ve pitched to my partner several times and he thinks it’s too L and S heavy with my last name (though I disagree). I may sneak it back onto the list.
We know a little Rufus and a friend has called dibs on Forrest for her soon-to-be born little, so those are out though I think they’re terrific names. You have my style down.
I LOVE Bertram (he would be Bertie, no doubt) and Bram, too, but I’d probably go with Abram. I love reading these ideas!
How about Rex?
George, Zelda, & Rex
What about the name March for a boy? A character’s surname (Little Women) and a nature name. March would also make a fabulous middle name for girl or boy.
George, Zelda, & March
Other suggestions: Bastian (Neverending Story), Miller (Henry Miller), Caspian (Narnia), Dashiell (Hammett or The Incredibles 🙂 )
I love August and Linus from Abby’s suggestions. You could also call August Gus. George, Zelda, & Gus.
From your girl names, I love Mabel and Bernadette. You could call Mabel Mae or Maisie and I’d call Bernadette Birdie. Love Zelda and Maisie and Zelda and Birdie!
I’d come up with a charming middle to match Singer and Marigold too. What about something like Mabel March, Bernadette Prairie, Mabel Magnolia, Djuna Clementine, or Djuna Dove?
Good luck! Please let us know what you choose. I love both of your children’s names.
Ha, Sarah — you must have seen my post on nameberry. Most of those are already on our list. Middles for both are sorted. 🙂
Ha. I just checked out your Nameberry post. I hadn’t seen it when I made suggestions. Great minds think alike. 🙂
Also: I love the alliteration of Djuna Dove. Bernadette would definitely be Birdie.
Djuna Dove is swoonworthy, and Bernadette called Birdie is truly fabulous.
Djuna Dove is a beautiful name, but it’s not alliterative, is it? I thought Djuna was pronounced /joona/ like how Jakarta was once spelled Djakarta. Am I missing this?
Amy3, I hear a Dj combo, which is slightly different than a j alone. It’s a common surname beginning up here in Dutch country.
August could also be Gus. George, Zelda, and Gus sound like they’re making mudpies and climbing trees and getting into scrapes all over town. I love Gus, plus Cinderella has Gus-Gus.
Love Gus. We often call Zelda Goldie because of her middle name, so if we went with August, all three would have G nicknames but only one would have a G given. Tricky!
I don’t think your first two children’s names box you into a corner at all. I would imagine many of the women named Zelda a century ago had brothers named George. Popularity for female names changes a lot more often and more quickly than for male names. My guess is that your partner is a little more mainstream than you and wants your son’s names to be fairly conventional, even if Zelda was something you could both agree on (because Zelda is a girl, and inventive and different girl names are more conventional and mainstream). I’d suggest considering whether your partner (especially if your partner is male) might be on to something about how it feels to be a boy with a very unexpected name, or even if you can’t end up agreeing on that, look for those different-but-normal names like Hugo and Forrest as common ground. Maybe Desmond?
I like how Desmond shares the Z sound with Zelda, since that creates a little more symmetry. Would you maybe like Zachary?