Name Help: Should they use an M name?Name Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Most Saturdays one reader’s name questions will be discussed.

Melanie writes:

My husband is the youngest of five kids, all with M names. My in-laws are Mary and Mitch, and they thought it would be fun (!) if they started a family tradition.

And, oh what a tradition it has become!

All four of my husband’s siblings have kids, each and every one with an M name. And I have an M name, too. Seriously! I didn’t think anything of our shared initial, until I met his family. And then it was too late!

Now we’re expecting our first, due on Thanksgiving, a delivery surprise. This will probably be our only child. I don’t hate the idea of another M name. I don’t love the idea, either.

There aren’t THAT many M names! We have nine nieces and nephews on my husband’s side, and we see each other pretty often, so repeating a name isn’t an option. The names that are taken are: Mason, Maya, Maggie, Madelyn, Maddox, Miles, Micah, Mia, and Maxwell. Plus, my sister-in-law is also expecting, due after me, and has announced that they’ll use Marley for a girl and Marcus for a boy.

So. Are we the ones to choose a random name from one of the other 25 letters of the alphabet? My husband would rather we stick with the M names, but doesn’t have any ideas. His only suggestion so far is Matthew Junior – but I’m not on board, and I don’t think he really means it, either.

Are there some great M names that we’ve overlooked? If we could find the perfect M name, I think that would be the end of the discussion. There aren’t any names I especially want to use, M or otherwise. Maybe I’m just stuck on the whole question of M names in the first place.

Our last name is two-syllables, sounds like Freeman, but with a B instead. Middle name will probably be my last name, Hunt.

Read on for my reply, and please leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.

Hi Melanie –

First, congratulations!

Second, wow! I’ve heard about families with shared initials. But yours is the first example I’ve found where the pattern actually continued into the next generation without exception.

I do think there are still plenty of great M names to consider. But before we get into the names, let’s talk about family traditions in general, and how to decide if you should continue an existing pattern, or go your own way.

I’m a believer in using family names if they feel right. And only if they feel right. Because there are just as many reasons to start fresh.

In this case, I think an M name might work nicely, and here’s why:

  • It sounds like you don’t object to the tradition in any way. Maybe you wouldn’t have started it. But some families are all about oyster stuffing at the holidays. Some vacation at the same lake together every summer. And others? They give their kids M names. You shouldn’t be forced to savor the stuffing, or, you know, jet ski on the lake. But if it works for you, there’s no reason not to embrace the tradition.
  • It also seems that you’re not sacrificing anything to choose the M name. If you’d always imagined naming your daughter Juliet and your son Andrew, then the M name tradition would be a monkey wrench. And it might be worth starting fresh, regardless of the consequences. But in the absence of a competing desire, maybe an M name makes sense.

That said, I don’t think you should feel like you must use an M name. But it feels like you’re stuck on should-you-or-shouldn’t-you? Beginning your search with M names at least gets you to a shortlist. The caveat: if you discover a name you love along the way, you’re completely free to use it instead.

M Names for Boys

Malcolm – Malcolm is one of those under-the-radar names. It’s familiar but regal. Literary and accessible. Tied to history and pop culture, too.

Macon – Mason is a chart-topper, and we’re all about place names. But somehow Macon is seldom heard.

Macallister/Mcallister – Yahoo!’s Marissa Mayer stuck with M names for her firstborn, son Macallister. It’s a long name, but it’s very friendly and upbeat. With babies named Sullivan and Elliot, why not Macallister?

Mathis/Matheson – Your husband’s name is Matthew, and you’re not keen on juniors – but maybe a name inspired by Matthew? Mathis and Matheson are surname options that might appeal.

Mateo/Matteo – Along the same lines, Mateo and Matteo are possibilities that put a romance language spin on the traditional name.

Miller – Yes, there’s the beer. But in an age of boys named Hunter and Carter and Parker, Miller fits right in.

M Names for Girls

Maisie – Maisie is a short, retro name in the key of Sadie.

Mae/May – Mae is, by far, the more popular spelling, but both are valid options. It’s a mini-name, short on sound, but without sacrificing style.

Magnolia – The opposite of Mae is the flowery Magnolia.

Margot – Normally I might rule out Margot, since Maggie is also a form of Margaret, and you’re trying to avoid duplicates. But when you’re working with one letter, I think that rule has to go.

Molly – There’s no Molly in your family! There might be a Marley. But see my comment above – just as you have to overlook connections like the Maggie/Margot/Margaret link, you’ll have to accept some duplication in sound.

Millie – Miller made the boys’ list, and there are a bunch of Mil- names for girls: Mila, Milla, Millicent, Mileva … or maybe just Millie.

If none of these feel quite right, may I offer another suggestion? If forgetting M names entirely feels like too much of a break, you might choose an M name for the middle. In particular, Mary and Mitchell might make great middle names – either in lieu of your surname or in addition to it.

Readers, let’s start with a poll, and then I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. What about Micah for a boy? Surprised it hasn’t been suggested yet. I like the suggestion of Moses too. (I promise I’m not a Bible beater! Just like the names :))

    For girls, I liked the suggestions of Mercy, Maren, and Meredith.

    1. Gahhhhh I’m terrible. I see there already is a Micah in the family. Sorry, blame pregnancy brain!!

  2. I think you should only use an M name if you find one you really like. That being said, I find it kind of a cool challenge to find an interesting not overused M name. AND- I think most of the names that have been used for your nieces and nephews are a bit too mainstream for my taste. (SOME, not all.). Off we go, then…

    My favorites for GIRLS:

    LOVE Mary + a more unusual middle name, for example:

    My favorites for BOYS:


  3. Since you didn’t happen to mention your style, here’s a variety of names from nature to classic to rare:

    Madrigal (amazed someone already mentioned this! It’s a guilty pleasure name for me.)

    MacGregor (and can call him Gregor!)

    Congrats and best wishes as you welcome your little blessing!

  4. I think in this circumstance, without a name of a different initial I really loved, I would strongly consider an M-name.

    Malcolm I liked best of the boy’s suggestions, followed by Macallister.

    I also like Mack, Moss, Malik, Macarthur, Michael, Malachi, Malachy, and Mordecai.

    In terms of fun and games with nicknames, I would like call a Mordecai, Cai… but you could also call a Cormac, Mac? Is it better to follow the tradition and then have a distinct nick, or to break new ground but still have the same sound in day-to-day?

    Of the girls I liked:
    Mae/May, Magnolia, and Molly.

    I also like:
    Marguerite, Marceline, Millaray, Morwenna, Maybelle, & Mariamne, which I haven’t seen mentioned yet.
    Meredith, Megan, Morgan, Mira, Mara, Matilda, Marigold, Miriam, Maeve, Mirabel and Minerva which have been.

  5. Some not mentioned…

    * = form of Matthew or Melanie

    *Mads, Malone, Marek, Marian, *Mats, *Matson, *Mattison, *Mattson, *Matz, Meade, *Melano, *Melino, Mercy, Merit, Meriwether, Merlin, Merry, Milan, Montgomery, Mordecai, Morris, Mortimer

    Malena, Malia, Malin, Malina, Mariska, Marissa, *Matea, *Mattea, Medina, Mei, *Melaina, *Melantha, *Melinda, Mercy, Merit, Merry, Milena, Mirena, Moira, Morgaine, Morgana, Morrigan

  6. My personal favourites from your suggestions are Mabel, Margot, Magnolia, Melody & Maxim, Marcel, Martin, Malachi.

    Other ideas:

    Montgomery (nicknamed Monty)


  7. Love Margot, Maisie, and Mae
    Maelys, Maely, Maebry
    Matilda (nn Millie or Tillie)

    Like Malcom, Mathis, Matheson best of the suggestions, think boys are harder.

    Good luck!

  8. My husband’s family is all K names and we bucked the tradition-it’s been fine. That said, I love M names and think they’re lovely. Others have made good points about feeling left out with family you see frequently.

    I love the suggestion of Meredith for a girl. Meredith Hunt sounds so sophisticated. And Meri is a sweet nickname.

    We almost named our daughter Meara. It’s not quite Mira, but almost, if you like a more romantic sound.

    I’ll add Mattias to your boys’ list as yet another variation of Matthew to consider. Something more modern: Marshall. Something rare that I love: Merrick.

  9. It seems like most of the names already in use by the nieces and nephews are fairly on-trend. I second the opinion already given that this could be a chance to go with something really off the beaten path, but still beginning with M. Picking a more unusual name might let you feel like you’ve still got a bit of independence from the family tradition.
    More suggestions (sorry for any repeats)
    Boys: I like the already suggested Malcolm and Mathis and would add Mercer and Moses to the mix.

    Girls: Mercedes, Madrigal, Mavis, Muriel, Mairead, Maeda

  10. I love Milo for a boy! Not too close to Miles especially in this situation. Other boy names I like (but not sure of your style) are: Monroe, Marlon, and Murray.

    My favorite M girl choices are Myra, Mira, Mirabel, Miriam, Matilda and Maeve – but there aren’t any more mainstream girl names left if these aren’t your style – except Michaela, Mackenzie, Mckenna type names but those feel a little dated to me.