March Madness
March Madness by Sally M via Flickr

Color me surprised! If you’d asked me to predict the final match-up, well, I’d have guessed the opposite.

In last week’s action, Elodie squeaked past Isla, 53% to 47%, or 197 votes to 177.

After trailing for a few days, Louisa beat Adele, 54% to 46%, or 204 votes to 173.

But that’s why we play the game, right?

Please join me now in voting for a champion for this year’s March Madness Girls’ Final.

The polls remain open until Friday, and winners will be announced on Saturday.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. My vote went to Louisa without a thought. Neither are really my style, and I’m pretty surprised that they’re the final two. But, I do think Louisa is beautiful and timeless, she has countless nicknames and a rich history. I’ve only heard of Elodie in the last couple years, and I’ve just never seen the appeal.

  2. Lemon, poor wording on my part! I meant that I chose Elodie for March Madness. In the end we went with Corinne. It was the NOTD this past week! 🙂

  3. Hi all!! I’m actually a Louisa and I love my name! I was surprised to see it do so well in these polls because I’m used to my name being pretty obscure. To date (I’m 19), I’ve only ever met 1 other Louisa, and that was this year. That’s one of the things that I like about my name – it’s not a name you see around all the time, but it’s not super odd or yooneek either. It seems more classy than Louise, and as has been mentioned the nicknaming possibilities are endless (I grew up a Lulu, have had Loops, Lulabell, Louisiana, Loosey and Louey over the years, and now that I’m older I’m Lou)
    The only downside to the name is that it’s not heard very often and people do actually have problems with it. Like spelling. You don’t know how many times my name is spelt wrong. It is not Lousia. or Louisia. nor is that how you say my name. I’ve also found that small children have problems saying the ‘oui’ part of the name, and i end up being called ‘Lousa’, which is hardly good for my self esteem!
    Regardless of all that though, I do love it and however much I don’t want it to get popular, I think it’s a far better name than Elodie!!

  4. In my opinion, Louisa is cool whereas Louise is not. Same goes for Helena and Helen. There’s just something about that A, and Louisa May Alcott, of course. Lou, Lulu, Lula? All great nicknames. Louisa has a serious yet playful vibe to her, so I voted for her – she’s not my favorite, but she wins.

    I’m not a fan of Elodie, myself, though I love to see that Carey chose it for her daughter – it’s quite elegant and distinctive. I know Edolie isn’t really a name, per se, but I always get the sounds mixed up. Eloise is more my style!

    PS I thought Adele (Adela?) would’ve been a fab winner. Alas, not my luck…

  5. I like Louisa for all of her nicknames – Lucy, Lulu. Though there are many, many other ways to get to Lucy and Lulu …

  6. Yep, I can’t really see the appeal of Louisa – the WEEZ sound is a real turn-off to me. Elodie isn’t the most practical name in the world in a predominantly English-speaking country, but I prefer it to Louisa.

  7. Aww, I love Louisa! I just about sing it instead of saying it. Really. I like Elodie, I do. but Louisa, I love. I fear for Louisa here. Just a bit. 🙂

  8. I really, really dislike Louisa. The only way the name could be worse, imo, is if it’s Louise. I like Elodie, Adele, and Isla though.

  9. It was the opposite for me -really love both names and both were on my list for my nearly six-month-old daughter at one time or another. I had a tough time deciding but went with Elodie. 🙂

  10. Seriously not a fan of either name! I voted for Louisa only because Elodie sounds awkward to me. Isla or Adele would have made far better choices, IMO!