She’s one of Carrie’s BFFs on Sex and the City and a 90s favorite, but her Shakespearean roots give her staying power.

Thanks to Rachel for suggesting Miranda as Baby Name of the Day.

Along with Jessica, Amanda and Samantha, Miranda was a popular pick for daughters in the 1990s.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I could take it or leave it. I don’t mind it, but there’s something about it that sounds harsh. For a Mir- name, I prefer Miriam.

    And I think of the Punky Brewster episode (one of the very first ones I think) where the social worker admits her name is Miranda and Punky exclaims, “That’s worse than Penelope!” Makes me laugh… and wonder how I can remember that.

  2. I love Miranda! I really like the Shakespearean connection. I really like Shakespeare names like Miranda, Cordelia, and Bianca. If I used Miranda, I like the nicknames Miri or Mira. Both are still usable on adults as well as a little girl.

  3. I know the cutest Miranda. She’s two and goes by Mira. Another nickname option that wasn’t included. I like it much better than Randi/Randy.


  4. I like Miranda, although I’d never use it. My first introduction to the name came when I watched Mrs. Doubtfire as a child. To me Miranda sounded similar to Mirinda, a popular beverage in India guaranteed to turn any child’s mouth a bright orange. Now that I’m in Canada, the Mirinda association has faded somewhat while the Shakespeare one is climbing. I’ve yet to read The Tempest, but it’s definitely on my list of books to read before I die.

  5. something else that just came to me, one of the main planets featured in the sci-fi film serenity was miranda (the other was persephone)

  6. Miranda is nice enough. I just don’t like the possible nickname option of Randy, and it does remind me of Sex & City as well as Northern Exposure. There was a little girl on the show by that name, and they always called her Randy.

  7. I’ve never really been a fan because of association and I’m incredible fussy with names that end with ‘a’ , though I can understand the appeal. Unfortunately, whenever I hear Miranda, I instinctively think of Randi (because it’s the most obvious nn to me) and the slang connotation completely ruins it . The fact that it’s a Sex & the City name (plus, look at the title of the show) gives the name an uncomfortable association. I’m not a fan of SATC at all , so even Shakespeare can’t save it (for me). I don’t have any problem with people using it or liking- but it’s a consideration for someone else.

  8. Agreed that it’s a nice balance between familiar and less common and the nn choices are wonderfully plentiful… but it’s too close to Amanda for me, and thus feels dated. As a young girl I talked about names and pushed my little brother to do so as well. Amanda and John were his name choices (this was solidly mid-80s timing). He did not use Amanda on his first daughter (but like the obnoxious big sis I am, I reminded him of Amanda when he and his wife admitted they were not agreeing on baby names)… their second daughter is due in a few weeks… I doubt she will be an Amanda or a Miranda, but we’ll see!

  9. I never knew Miranda was a surname, you learn something new every day I guess! Unfortunately, I have an irrational dislike of Miranda’s sound (the same goes for AmanDA and SamanTHA) so I won’t be adding her to my list any time soon. I do think the name has an alluringly timeless feel about it though and I love the fact that she is both pretty and strong sounding.

  10. i actually really like this name, it’s completely my style and would fit easily with my other children. i forgot that one of the characters in grey’s anatomy was called miranda, and i’m not sure if i love the sex and the city refrence but it would be unlikely to have two miranda’s in the same class (at least where i’m from anyway)