Maybe this holiday feels deeply spiritual for you. Or maybe it’s all about the jelly beans and Cadbury cream eggs. Or, hey, it could be that you’re not at all Christian – even culturally – and this is just another Sunday.
Regardless of your beliefs or worldview, the enduring message of the Easter season is rebirth. It’s a story about miracles. It’s about thinking the world was one way … and then finding out that it’s not exactly so.
This feels like a story for our times.
I’m sharing my favorite Albert Einstein quote – which isn’t name-related, but probably sums up much of what I believe about living.
Now, on to joyful things more directly related to names!
Did you see this spelling quiz? The results are completely fascinating. The take-away, I think, is that we tend to prefer the more common spellings, at least as we’ve experienced them. But if you’re say, Sara-without-an-h, you may have VERY strong feelings about that.
How good are these name quotes, especially the one about Rosebud? Turns out Rosebud is the first initials of seven other names. Love that idea! I toyed around with using Kate as a middle name, because it’s the first initials of my name + my siblings’ names. It didn’t happen, but who knows? Maybe someone in my family will eventually use it …
Love obscure botanical names? Some of these are so rare they’ve never crossed my radar. A bunch are really great, though. I’ve got a list of daring flower names, too, that I think are just the tiniest bit more mainstream. (Or maybe not?)
SJ has a great list of names that mean hope or miracle. Watch it here! Lots of great suggestions if you’re looking for a name that makes sense in these crazy times.
Not about names, exactly, but I’m fascinated by this study of an emerging accent. We sometimes behave as if names are fixed and rigid, but they’re every bit as fluid as language itself.
That’s all for this week. As always, thank you for reading – and stay safe and sane, friends.