I like David Boreanaz. I liked him as a vampire, and I love him on Bones. So much that I graciously overlooked it when he named his son Jaden Rayne.

But he and wife Jaime have just announced the birth of their newborn daughter.

And her name? Is Bardot. Bardot Vita.

Which leaves me wondering what Nicole Richie will name Harlow’s little sister if the baby is a girl …

About Abby Sandel

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What do you think?


  1. So disappointed in the Boreanaz. I’ll have to pretend I never heard the names of his kids so I can enjoy his hotness undisturbed.

    1. Look, people in America have always created their own ghettos. Look at NYC: there are neighborhoods of only Jews, only Italians, only Puerto Ricans, etc. Feel NY is too obvious? How about Wisconsin and its Scandinavian population? Don’t like that example? Mexicans in Texas or California. The Irish in Boston. It happens all over the country. That’s what makes our country so unique. There’s no point in decrying it. In time the descendents of immigrants become Americans fully. I’m only third generation, grew up in a Jewish/Russian enclave in Brooklyn, and am fully “American” – as are my parents and theirs were, too. I wonder where you’d be if your ancestors didn’t have the option to come to the US.

      1. Dude. All agreed. My only contention arises when entire regions (not subcultures, like Chinatown, etc) essentially secede from a country for the interests of one group. You won’t find anyone any more liberal or tolerant than I am; my point is, what’s happened in some entire regions completely flies in the face of the whole melting pot thing. Apparently I struck a chord, and I’m sorry if I sound like I’m late for a Klan rally, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  2. Personally, I think Bardot is a bit of a leathery nutty sort. Not a fan of her or the name. What’s next on the “O” surname list?

    And off topic but Nicole Richie wasn’t the first celeb with Harlow. Patricia Arquette got in long before her. Some aren’t aware of that and think Nicole was “like totally uneek!”. Joely Fisher used it too, as a middle name for her daughter.

    I hate to think what Nicole Richie will use next.

  3. Whoa, is Bridgette Bardot a racist? I always thought she was kind of an over-the-top animal rights activist, the kind you expect to die alone in a house with 87 cats. That aside, the name just feels like it’s trying too hard… it reminds me of Margeaux. Too pretentious, too awkward, too much. Also too bad, because I could totally get behind it as a middle name.

    1. Unfortunately, it seems that way. She’s been quoted multiple times on saying racist things about Islam and Muslim people. Here’s one quote: “…my country, France, my homeland, my land is again invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims.”

      Wikipedia says this (I know, I know, but it has sources): In her 2003 book, A Scream in the Silence, she warned of the

      1. Well, then, at the risk of sounding bigoted (and off topic), I completely get it. As a second-generation south Floridian, I’ve seen the Miami of my childhood become a city that is essentially a foreign country, where the residents rarely can or will speak English. Street signs, maps, menus, anything and everything is in Spanish. It does become an issue when people who resent our culture, politics, and language not only refuse to assimilate but become the controlling majority. Sounds like Bardot is using unfortunate verbage in a somewhat misguided attempt to prevent the fractionalization of her country. As for myself, I’m just a bit bitter that I find myself and my children completely marginalized by our inability to communicate in a city (in my own state!) that I once loved. And for the record? I’m half Cuban. *steps down from soapbox*

    2. Allison, what culture? America has no cluture of its own. Where would we be without the immigrants who came here? As a Brooklynite, I can tell you we have a similar city – only it’s Russians where I grew up, who’ve spread their culture and ideas around. But that’s what America is about – or haven’t you heard the term “melting pot” before?

      1. Sure it does. American culture represents values like equality, community, freedom, and democracy. All the pop culture we’re familiar with. The ideals we embrace. The passion we feel for the Bill of Rights. Football and apple pie. But the beauty of it is, our culture is eclectic, derived from all of the ideals of the immigrants who brought them and the derivation and development of them here. The idea of the “melting pot” is a fusion of all nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities to form a common culture, which is ideally what we have in this country. Fractionalizing any region for the good of one group counteracts that idea.

      2. Equality, community, freedom, and democracy are not cultural things, sorry. I don’t buy your argument.

  4. I must say, for a surname name, Bardot at least has a pleasant, feminine sound. It does make me think of Brigitte Bardot, which is probably why I like it. Definitely a new guilty pleasure, but probably not a name I’d ever use myself.

    1. I honestly really like it. I think it flows very well and i like that vita means life.I think it’s a great name. Congrats David and Jamie

  5. Ugh! I hope Bridgette Bardot ISN’T her namesake. She’s become quite controverial with her racist and bigoted opinions.

  6. David Boreanaz has been my favorite actor for approximately 13 years, so I can’t really be too negative here.

    I’m assuming the chose Bardot because of Brigitte. And I love her, so, I think she’s a worthy namesake. I like Vita in the middle, so lively. I like the double B initials. B is a happy letter, so that combined with Vita makes the name feel happy to me. Also, the O sound it fun. I mean, why not Bardot? Nickname could be Doe or Dot. Both cute.

    All in all, I much prefer it to Jaden Rayne. It’s unique, but not too out there, in my opinion.

    I’m assuming everyone is going to hate this name, so I had to stand up for Mr. Boreanaz.

    Thanks for coving this, I wouldn’t have known she was born! I don’t keep up on my celebrity gossip!