Moving Boxes for Allison and Lee
Moving Boxes by loyaldefender2004 via Flickr

If you read Namberry Picks: Twelve Best Disney Names, you’ll have heard the Big News.

Starting Monday, January 17, part of the Appellation Mountain Sunday Summary is moving to Nameberry, zipping through cyberspace to arrive on Monday.

The Sunday Summary will still appear here; in fact, if you check them out here on Sunday, you’ll get a sneak preview of what’s coming up on Monday at Nameberry.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I just wanted to echo the other comments in that the Sunday summary is one of my favorite things on your site and something I definitely look forward to, so now it’s a bright spot on Mondays, too! Congratulations.

  2. Thanks for all of your kind comments! Most Sundays I have SO much content, I drop half of it before I even begin editing. I’d toyed with the idea of doing them twice a week … so hopefully this will work out perfectly.

    And Appellation Mountain simply would not exist without your comments, and especially all of the fabulous suggestions for Baby Names of the Day. Whenever I get writer’s block on one idea, I just look at the calendar and take off in another direction. It’s such fun – thank you all!

  3. I’m so excited for you! I just hope the Sunday Summary will still be as awesome as ever, it’s my very favorite thing!