Is he an underused masculine appellation or one that’s gone to the girls?
Thanks to Dearest for suggesting Taran as Name of the Day.
There’s a good case for Taran as an underused boys’ name, one that would fit right in with Orion.
on Dec 17, 2009, Updated Jan 28, 2014
Is he an underused masculine appellation or one that’s gone to the girls?
Thanks to Dearest for suggesting Taran as Name of the Day.
There’s a good case for Taran as an underused boys’ name, one that would fit right in with Orion.
This is my son’s name, only it is spelled Tarran. We wanted a Welsh name as both myself and his father are Welsh and this is the name we settled on.
I like the name Taran. I am Welsh and I understand it to be a Welsh name, meaning ‘thunder.’ (I agree that it is pronounced Tah-ran not Tay-ran.) Since I am a Welsh speaker and know that Taran is the Welsh word for thunder, it strikes me as a very masculine name and perhaps only suited for a boy.
lol ! I see you have Nola here 🙂
There is a large Indian population where I use to live, so, I would say the name like Charlotte Vera would. So, based on the Hindi pronunciation, ( which is what is would most likely be used as or said for where I live) – the name is definitely masculine
It has a lovely sound, but is not a name that I would use . as it would appear odd of someone of my ethnic background because of where I live.
The name reminds me a bit of Tehran – the place
In Norway, Taran/Tarann is considered a feminine name. I think its interesting, but I do find it a bit too harsh for my liking. It reminds me of “taring” or “tearing.”
The name Taran always reminds me of The Chronicles of Prydain, which I was read as a child. I think it’s a fantastic name. I can imagine a little Taran being all boy, one of the ones who wears a cape all week long 😉
Interesting name. Not one that I’d use personally, but one that I’d love to see friends using!
In Sanskrit/Hindi Taran is a boy’s name that means heaven (or raft). The name would generally be pronounced something like “TAH-ran”, not “TAY-ran”.