Name Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every week, one reader’s name questions will be discussed.
We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight!
Em writes:
We’re expecting our third, a delivery surprise, this summer. Our kids are Charlie James and Daisy Kathleen. That’s our style pretty much – easy, breezy, nothing too different but not really top ten, either.
If Daisy had been a boy, our top name was Max. It’s still on our list, but we’re also thinking about Arlo, Milo, Theo, Archie, maybe something else. Middle name could be Paul for my dad (James is for my husband’s dad) or maybe Pierce, my mom’s maiden name.
Another name we really like is Lucy. But my mom just got a puppy named Luna, which is close and she calls her Lulu, which sounds like it could be a nickname for Lucy, too. Is that too weird? I sort of think yes, especially because my mom (and Luna) live nearby and we’ve decided that grandma’s puppy makes up for the dog we cannot possibly add to the general craziness around here.
We’re also debating whether we want another name that ends with the same sound as Charlie and Daisy. Maybe it’s too cute?
Other names that are out:
- It feels like we know lots of Ellies.
- I’m Emily, and even though I go by Em, Millie would be like naming a daughter after me, which we don’t want to do.
- We also dropped Lily, because we definitely don’t want two flower names.
Middle names for a girl could be Elizabeth or maybe just Beth, or Mary/Anne/Mary Anne, for my husband’s mom.
Our last name sounds like Sea-fort, so we’re avoiding S names. (Too bad, because I really like Sage for a girl.)
Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.
Abby replies:
Congratulations on your third!
Let’s start with the big question – and a surprisingly common one, too.
Is this name too much like the name of our dog/cat/parakeet or our Aunt Sandy’s dog/cat/sugar glider?
Can we still use this name even though our mom had a chinchilla with the same name in the 70s?
My instinct here is to rule Lucy out.
Call it the Pet Proximity Principle.
Luna/Lulu lives nearby and is similar in age to your children. It’s a recipe for confusion and/or resentment that your kiddo shares her name with the (extended) family pet.
If it was your absolute #1 name, I might reluctantly chance it. But since it sounds like it’s just a name you like a lot? I think we can find something else.
As for the -ee/no -ee ending question … I’m not sure there’s a problem with a third ends in -ee name. But if you have a few seats left to fill in your minivan, would you think that you’ve set an unbreakable pattern? Daisy, Charlie, and Archie might make it even harder to name a future child Max.
Let’s look at both options, but my sense is that seriously considering non-ee-ending names is a smart move.
From your current list, the names that stand out are Arlo and Milo. The O ending is upbeat and energetic, a good match for Charlie and Daisy. They work well with your preferred middle names of Paul or Pierce.
Theo is great, too, but Theodore ranks in the current US Top Ten and most of those boys answer to Theo. So it might be a little more popular than you’d prefer.
I think Archie is every bit as good a choice, but there’s the -ee ending question.
- FINN – Brief and complete, Finn feels like a brother for Max, or maybe a replacement with a slightly breezier feel.
- HUGO – As traditional as Theo, but not nearly as popular.
- JESSE – A long-time favorite, this Old Testament name feels approachable and warm, especially compared to more serious cousins like Nehemiah or Malachi.
- LUCA – Lucas names are classics, but the Italian form feels a little lighter. The Pixar movie character emphasizes that image.
- WELLS – I’m not sure about S ending names with your surname, but like O enders, they can sound fresh and interesting, and also energetic.
When it comes to girls’ names, it feels like you’ve ruled out more than you’ve got on your shortlist, right? Ellie, Millie, and Lily are out, and I’m inclined to drop Lucy, too.
The good news: Elizabeth/Beth and Mary/Anne/Mary Anne are very flexible middle names, so your options are wide open.
- BONNIE – Like Daisy, Bonnie feels equally vintage and very 2020s.
- KATE – A classic to be sure, but also a brief, strong, and casual name at the same time.
- JUNE – Summery and sweet, with the same OO sound as Lucy.
- MARGOT – An O ending option for a daughter that sounds just right with Daisy and Charlie. One note: in the most extended lists, both Margot and Daisy appear as nicknames for Margaret.
- POLLY – Molly could work, but Polly is far less expected … and it might be a way to use the honor name Paul.
- RUBY – Another logical OO name to replace Lucy.
Overall, my favorites for a boy are Arlo from your list, and Hugo or Jesse from my suggestions.
For a daughter, I do think Polly is quite clever, with the subtle nod to grandpa Paul. But June replaces Lucy beautifully, and Margot feels like the obvious equivalent to Milo and Arlo that you both like so much.
If this is your last babe, maybe lean to the ee endings…. Henry or Jesse and Annie or Ivy seem to do that well.
If not, the alternative Leo or Nora/June seem to keep your options open.
No new suggestions but to me this is a question about family size more than names…
Also Lucy/Luna strike we as very different names… You are (in my book) in the clear
Coming to suggest Lola. For some reason I have long loved Lola as a sister for Daisy. Other ideas:
Coco or Cora
Eliza/ Liza
Arlo and Archie are both really close to Charlie. I think Hugo or Hugh or Huey/Hughie would be a better choice. Leo, Jonah, or Jethro are also good O choices. Pierce and Paul both work for middles with any of these.
Marnie or Romy might work for girls.
My first thought was Susanna, nn Susie for a baby girl… until I read your final criteria. Then I though Maggie, until I read Abby’s caveat about Daisy sometimes being used as a nickname for Margaret -as Maggie is too.
Other ideas:
Charlie, Daisy & Heidi
Charlie, Daisy & Tessa (I really like this suggestion from a previous comment!)
Charlie, Daisy & Polly (my favourite of Abby’s suggestions)
Charlie, Daisy & Jesse or Hugo are my favs of Abby’s.
Charlie, Daisy & Arlo is my fav of yours (I like Milo too but I know a lot of baby Milos and dog’s names Milo too)
Charlie, Daisy & Xander
Charlie, Daisy & Zek
Congratulations on baby number 3!
Max and Theo sound amazing with Charlie and Daisy!
I don’t think Lucy is a problem. It’s a different name from Luna and the dog lives at a different place.
And let me well you: Pierce makes a great first name!
Other names you might like:
I love the Polly idea! Very smart and it’s neat when an honour name can be used across the sexes. I wouldn’t use Luca though – it’s even closer to Luna than Lucy!
You’re already doing the casual name thing so I’d go all in and do something like Juno, Mimi, Flynn, Gus!
Another wordy name for a daughter like Ruby is nice – I love Pearl for you she could go by Pearlie to match her sibs. Not sure why one-syllables just seem right here, but how about Kit or Jade?
For boys, how about Eli or Tate? Milo on your list is perfect and my vote.
Great suggestions from Abby as usual!
I especially like Margot and June and Finn from her ideas. Bonnie seems especially good with big sister Daisy.
Some other ideas for an easy breezy baby name:
If you are ok with Charlie and not Charles I wonder if you would other short form names
Charlie, Daisy, Nate
Charlie, Daisy, Will
Charlie, Daisy, Ollie
Charlie, Daisy, Mack (Charlie and Mack might be too much It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia vibes though)
Arlo, Milo, Theo, Lucy make me want to suggest Leo
Charlie, Daisy, Leo
Other ideas:
Charlie, Daisy, Wesley “Wes”
Charlie, Daisy, Calvin “Cal”
Charlie, Daisy, Rory
If you aren’t totally against alliteration then maybe you would like Sadie. Sadie Seefort sounds very cool and memorable
Charlie, Daisy, Sadie. Maybe too similar to Daisy?
Oh! How about Hallie? She’s one of my favorite “sounds like a nickname but stands just fine on her own” type of names
Charlie, Daisy, Hallie
Other ideas:
Charlie, Daisy, Etta
Charlie, Daisy, Annie
Charlie, Daisy, Josie
Charlie, Daisy, Tessa
Charlie, Daisy, Nora/h