The baby name Sophia ranks among the most popular choices for girls worldwide. With a powerful meaning and stylish sound, it’s no surprise Sophia is a favorite today.

Thanks to Sophie for suggesting our Baby Name of the Day.


The baby name Sophia offers a great meaning: wisdom. It survives in our vocabulary today. Think of the word philosophy – philo (love) plus sophos (wisdom).

We list Saint Sophia among the earliest martyrs, usually dating to the second century, give or take.

Her story goes like this: she had three daughters: Faith, Hope, and Charity, their names inspired by St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. They converted to Christianity, back when such beliefs carried a steep price. The sisters were tortured to death, while Sophia died of her grief.

Such stories prove difficult to verify and often mix legend with fact.

Here’s the twist.

In 360, a basilica in Istanbul was named Hagia Sophia – holy wisdom. For more than eleven centuries it served as a Christian church, and then became a mosque for five centuries more. (Today it is a museum.)

Along the way, it was assumed that the structure was dedicated to Saint Sophia. That amplified the story of the martyr.

Admiration for the pious mother and daughters spread. Pilgrims to the Holy Land learned their names. The devoted – and powerful – Queen Theodelinda of the Lombards was gifted some of Sophia’s relics by the pope, spreading the story farther.

As it spread across languages and cultures, it became Sofia, Sophia, and other forms, too.


German and Austrian nobles may have been the first to embrace the name. It spread across Europe. The most famous royal of the moment might be the Countess of Wessex, born Sophie Rhys-Jones. The former Queen of Spain is also Sofia; as is her granddaughter, Infanta Sofia, second in line to the throne.

Sophia Jex-Blake advocated for women’s access to university educations in the UK, and became the first practicing female doctor in Scotland. And the nineteenth century also gave us Sofya Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician who became the first woman appointed to a full professorship in Northern Europe.

In the 1980s, Sophia became – appropriately enough – the most senior of the Golden Girls. Sophia, mom to Dorothy, was known for her blunt, merciless one-liners. (Fun fact: Estelle Getty, who played Sophia, was actually one year younger than Bea Arthur, who played her daughter.)

More recently, you might think of actress Sofia Vergara and director Sofia Coppola, among many others.


A number of places bear the name Sophia, too. Bulgarian capital Sofia started out as Serdica and Sredets. But as early as the 1300s, it took the name of Saint Sofia Church. The church site dates to the fourth century, and the current building was constructed in the 600s.

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The baby name Sophia has already ranked in the US Top 1000. But it was never especially popular until recent decades.

In fact, Sophia flirted with obscurity in the 1940s and 50s, nearly leaving the rankings entirely.

Today the name feels nearly as enduring as Katherine, Mary, Elizabeth, or Anne.

Sophia Loren likely deserves credit for the name’s fresh appeal in the 1970s. Born Sofia Scicolone she found success – including an Oscar – in the 1960s. She became a major international star, and her name slowly started to climb. Her 1979 biography, adapted for television in 1980 as Sophia Loren: Her Own Story seems to have sparked a big jump in 1980.

By 1997, the baby name Sophia ranked in the US Top 100. It entered the US Top Ten in 2006, and held the #1 spot from 2011 through 2013.

Factor in Sofia and Sophie, and this becomes a generation-defining name.

Sophia now stands at #5 as of 2023, with Sofia at #12 and Sophie at #60.


And yet, that doesn’t diminish the sense that the baby name Sophia will endure.

A picture emerges of Sophia: a name widely used across cultures and over time, with a great meaning and plenty of appealing associations. It sounds vintage and sophisticated.

It crosses cultures seamlessly. Combine the ‘ph’ and ‘f’ spellings, and the name is popular throughout Europe, as well as the English- and the Spanish-speaking worlds. Like Isabella, the name’s ability to work in English and Spanish makes it particularly popular with many bilingual families.

Despite this wild run of popularity, the baby name Sophia feels more classic than trendy. Yes, plenty of girls share the name. But it’s easy to see why it appeals to so many families.

Would you consider the baby name Sophia for a daughter?

First published on August 23, 2011, this post was revised on June 24, 2020 and August 30, 2024.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. Too popular for my own taste (in our circles, there are countless girls with the names Sophia or Olivia), but the meaning is wonderful. I much prefer the Sofia spelling, however. Somehow, it adds intrigue to me!

  2. Abby, I grew up with a Mackenzie and am in my mid-thirties! It is such a super cool name – I have been amazed how popular it’s gotten. I believe she was named after her uncle.
    I love Sophia but didn’t put it on my list because of the popularity. I know a little girl about 10ish and they call her “Phia.” Love that!

  3. So what other possibilities were there for the family with Sophie and Sadie expecting a third little girl? I put their data — begin with S, end with -ie, 2 syllables — in BNW’s NameFinder, allowing any style and from very popular to rare: here are the possibilities:
    * Sallie (girl)
    * Shaylie (girl)
    * Shelbie (girl)
    * Sherrie (girl)
    * Skylie (girl)
    * Sookie (girl)
    * Stacie (girl)
    * Sukie (girl)
    * Susie (girl)
    * Sylvie (girl)

    But if you want a 2-syllable, S…ie name that’s at least somewhat popular, only Sadie and Sophie — already used for the first 2 girls — come up. That’s probably why they adapted Sydney to match the older girls’ names. Changing “must end with -ie” to “must end with -y” and still in the very popular to somewhat popular range, there are only two possibilities: * Shelby (girl) * Sydney (girl)

    The popularity of these 3 names is very compatible, per 2010 stats:
    Sophie – #59
    Sadie – #118
    Sydney -# 60 — make one small spelling change and voila! Sydnie – S….ie — perfect match!

    (Sylvie isn’t in the Top 1000 at all and doesn’t have the popular, current, all-American girl feel about it that the other three names have.)

  4. I think they needed something to go in there to match the others. But I don’t know the whole story. Maybe they liked Sydney on its own and changed it to match the others.

    1. It seems extreme – I can see thinking “oh, we need another S name” or even “we need another two-syllable S name” but the ends-in-ie feels like a serious constraint.

      1. Of the three, I actually like Sydney the best. But the spelling is…interesting. You know me, though. I’m from the school of traditional spelling is best. I can’t help it. It probably has something to do with my attitude about grammar.

      2. ‘Back in the day’ I knew sisters named Susan and Sidne (pronounced as Sidney). This was when Susan was a very popular name and no one had ever heard of a girl called Sidney with any spelling. I suspected that the parents wanted to match their first daughter’s name and Sidne, also beginning with S, 5 letters, 2 syllables was the best they could do. I wonder how long it took one of the parents to come up with Sidne.

        I think think Sophie, Sadie and Sydnie are fine for parents who wanted matchy names for their daughters, but too bad they didn’t think of Sylvie: Sophie, Sylvie and — which of the other two to pick? I’d prefer another French name. Ok, I’m going to add a 3rd syllable and call her Stephanie: Sophie, Sylvie and Stephanie. I really like that trio!

  5. I know a trio of sisters (born in the last 6 years) called Sophie, Sadie, and Sydnie. All S names and all end with IE.