macro photo of the center of the rose
Image via Wikipedia

This choice blooms kelly green. If you can’t quite bring yourself to call a daughter Clover, perhaps this equally Irish botanical will appeal.

Thanks to Fran for suggesting Róisín as Baby Name of the Day.

Look her up in the average baby book, and you’ll almost certainly see Róisín’s meaning listed as little rose, from the Gaelic Róis, or Rose. The pronunciation might not be intuitive to an English speaker, but ROSH een is simple enough to say.

There’s a little more to her story. The Germanic element hros meant horse, and plenty of medieval names incorporate the element: Roswitha, Rosamund, Roslindis. While the Latin element rosa has history and simply refers to the flowers, it is almost certain that many of the rose names meant something else entirely when they were first in use.

Thanks to the twelfth century Rosamund Clifford, mistress to Henry II, we can see the name’s meaning changing, as Clifford was nicknamed Rose of the World.

But back to Róisín. In American English, you’d sacrifice her diacritical marks and write her name Roisin. Earlier generations would’ve Anglicized the name as Rosaleen. And yet Róisín’s credentials as a serious Irish heritage choice are considerable, and could give parents a fresh alternative for the oft-heard Megan, Colleen, and Erin.

In sixteenth century Ireland, the Tudors were attempting to assert control. Beyond issues of political control, the religious split kick-started by King Henry VIII of England complicated matters. Hugh O’Neill was 2nd Earl of Tyrone, one of the most powerful men in Ireland. At the tail end of the 1500s, he was even referred to as Ireland’s King. O’Neill led the uprising, and had they won, would certainly be better known. But the English ultimately triumphed, and so O’Neill and his supporters went into exile.

While I’m not finding her on any family trees, a popular song tells of O’Neill’s daughter, Róisín Dubh, the Dark Rose. (The bh sounds live a v; so dubh is pronounced like dove.) It reads like a love song, but it is pure political struggle. It isn’t clear who wrote it first, though James Clarence Mangan was the first to publish an English translation in the nineteenth century. The song is still performed today, so often that it instantly conjures up images of Ireland. Here’s a version performed on tin whistle, and another with the lyrics in the original.

All of this combines for a powerfully Gaelic appellation. While she’s never ranked in the US Top 1000, she’s currently quite popular in Ireland. Many a notable bearer can be found in politics and pop culture. There’s a performance venue in Galway that wears the name.

While the Twilight-tinged Rosalie seems like the most rapidly rising Rose name of the moment, don’t count Róisín out yet. Controversial performer Sinéad O’Connor gave the name to her daughter; Courtney Kennedy Hill (she’s Robert F. Kennedy’s daughter) named her firstborn Saoirse Roisin.

With the easy nickname Rosie, if you’re after an Irish heritage choice, she’s one to consider.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. My name is Roisin and i live in the united states. Its said as Ro-sheen. Most people call me raisin over here. and all my teachers get my name wrong the first few weeks of school.

      1. That happens all the time to me as well. Even my friends call me that when they know perfectly well how to say it. But I think the name is very symbolic and true to Ireland

  2. I love this name. I’m a bit more enamored of ‘Rose’ names than I’d like to admit 🙂 I first heard this name in the 2004 Ken Loach film ‘A Fond Kiss’ where the main female character’s name is Roisin and I’ve loved it ever since. I personally don’t think you an Irish last name to pull it off. As far as the spelling, I wouldn’t worry that much; we all know how to spell Sean 🙂

  3. I’ve loved this name since I first heard it about ten years ago, but I think you really need strong Irish heritage to pull it off. Even though the spelling does remind me of raisins, there is something romantic about it as well that an Anglicized Rosheen just wouldn’t have (ditto for another of my favourites, Sian). I think the exotic (to us) spellings of many Gaelic names are often a big part of their appeal.

  4. Being unfamiliar with the name, I keep wanting to either give it a wacky French pronunciation or say Raisin. Its actual pronunciation is quite pretty, and I guess since Mark is of Irish heritage we could pull it off without looking too affected, but the way Roisin looks keeps putting me off it. Plus, it’s way too similar to Roseanna!

  5. Roswitha, is guilty pleasure of mine. If I could guarantee that it would be pronounced ros-VIT-ah it would be at the top of my list.

    Roisin is very pretty, but pronunciation wise, I prefer Rosaleen.

  6. I really want to like this name, but is somehow reminds me of hair products… perhaps the -sheen part?

    But part of me finds this appealing. Just wish I could get past the hair

  7. All I can think of are the rosin used by baseball players and violinists. Different spelling, I know, but it clouds my perception of this name.

    BTW, with its roi- prefix, I could see it on a boy too.

  8. I don’t see why Roisin could not work in the States. We have more Irish people than Ireland. Its pretty, but not my favorite Irish name.

  9. Roisin is one of the prettiest names in the world, but I worry about spelling and pronunciation. I would love to hear if someone can make it work with American English. What a lovely, lovely name!