About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. Just to add a different note, I’ve traveled to the Moselle region in Germany twice, had wonderful trips, so it’s got a great association in my mind. I briefly considered suggesting it as a name for our girls, but not much (accent on the first syllable), still thought of some of the not-so-nice associations other posters came across too (like Mosul).

  2. Well, Mozelle is new to me. Can’t say I find it all that appealing. It made me thing mazel (tov) first (which isn’t a bad association/meaning for a name, really)… but I have no idea how it’s supposed to be said.

  3. It makes me think of an older southern lady, particularly one of the Cajun or Creole persuasion. I kinda like it. I say (moh-ZELL)

  4. I’d never heard of this name before, and I’m not from the US so I don’t have the Southern associations, but ugh. I find this name quite unattractive.

  5. I could see it fitting in nicely with today’s Belle named girls (isabelle, anabelle, bella) and with the Z girlls (zoe, zoey, zahara) … Its quirky and fun. When I first looked at it I thought it would be pronounced muh-ZEL and that would fit in with todays isabelle… but MOH-zell sounds too back woods southern for me.

  6. Sadly, all this name conjures for me is Mosul, Iraq. Just like Janine (an otherwise favorite of mine) sounds like Jenin.

    1. I didn’t even think of that, C. It’s a fair point – and yet another reason Mozelle is moldering.

  7. When I was growing up, there was an older lady named Mozelle at my church. Her name was pronounced moh-ZELL.

    Very similar to my grandmother’s name, Ozella.

  8. How is Mozelle pronounced? MOH-zell, MAWS-ell, muh-ZEL?? Because If it’s the last pronunciation, it could originate from mademoiselle.

    It’s an interesting name, but it seems more fitting for a maiden Great-Aunt.

    1. Julie, that is a fascinating – and insightful – theory! Trouble is, I’m not certain how to pronounce Mozelle. Joy’s suggestion, of a long o, emphasis on the second syllable, seems most likely, but perhaps not universal.

  9. All I can see is mozzarella. Sorry, not my style at all. Interesting to find out it was an actual name, though!