Happy Mother’s Day!

We’ve always celebrated our kids’ rites of passage – first tooth, first step, first-time-she-brings-home-a-completely-unacceptable-boy.

Add in one more circa 2009: first time Mommy writes all about you in a blog post.

Yes, our children will probably be terribly, terribly unhappy about some of our overshares in twenty years. (Or not. Social media is a strange and fabulous thing.) But for the moment, I find myself marveling at the many talented writers who also have a knack for choosing baby names.

Read on for some of my favorite Babes in the Blogosphere:

Rebecca of Girl’s Gone Child is mom to Archer Sage and Fable Luella. She’s quite the writer – funny, brutally honest and cooler than I shall ever be. Her memoir of unexpected first-time motherhood, Rock-a-Bye, is one of the few paperbacks that I request back whenever I loan it out.

Over at Green Baby Guide, Joy is mom to Roscoe with another on the way. Fellow GBG blogger Rebecca has Audrey. Their site provides lots of encouragement for parents seeking to reduce their environmental impact. It’s the site that convinced me that cloth diapers were a perfectly reasonable option.

Celebrity Baby Blog founder Danielle Friedland has a daughter called Anya. She sold the site to People Magazine not too long ago, so Anya is back to being a private citizen. Likewise, I haven’t heard much about their contributing writers’ lives since Corporate came in, but I seem to recall that one contributor has a son called Egan, and another came up with the inspired choice of Galileo, with the nickname Leo. While I miss hearing staff updates, but CBB remains my go-to site for confirming pregnancy, birth and – of course! – name confirmations.

Her Bad Mother, Catherine Conners, is mom to Emilia and Jasper. She’s also witty, brave and somehow manages to seem like she has it all together, even as she insists that everything is falling apart.

Over at Babble, Jane Roper pens Baby Squared, about her twin daughters, Elsa and Clio. Even when she had two infants, she always sounded remarkably sane. (And she was kind enough to comment on my post about the name Clio, and didn’t accuse me of train-jumping, name-snatching or anything else unpleasant.)

Babble is also home to Oz Spies. I don’t follow her column as closely, but I love the name she chose for her firstborn – Axel – and can’t wait to hear what she chooses for #2, due shortly.

How ’bout you – who do you follow?

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I love Stephenie Nielsens ‘The NieNie Dialogues’, and I love her children’s names too! Her eldest is named Claire Elizabeth, then there’s Jane Bronwyn (though I wish that was Bronwen), then Oliver Christian and finally Gigs, aka Nicholas Jones. I do know the stories behind their names but, you know what; you’re just gonna have to read it to find out for yourself! 🙂

  2. I like Heather Armstrong’s blog, dooce, and I also enjoy Oz Spies on Babble. Both are currently pregnant so it’s been nice to have people out there I can commiserate with who are “paving the way”, as it were (I’m 23 weeks along; they are both getting close to the end, I think). I get to hear about stuff before experiencing it myself.
    I haven’t heard of most of the folks you mention – I’ll have to check them out! My problem with blogs is remembering to read them.

    1. How could I forget Dooce, mom to Leta Elise, and the mother of all mama bloggers!?

      Thanks for adding her, Kat.

      And 23 weeks – wow! You’re more than halfway there. 🙂

      1. I can’t wait to find out what Leta’s sister’s name will be, they’ve got so much to live up to–Leta Elise is a gorgeous name!