About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. Hmmm i’m not sure about that Kristine, I’m a Kristen and it was darn near impossible to find it spelled w/an EN. it was always spelled IN.

    Course Kristen is my middle name. my first is Jennifer, which i abor.

    C names- I love using Cs instead of Ks. there are a few names which i prefer K’s on but i like both Katerine and Catherine. i think Katerine is a bit more sporty and spunky maybe more outgoing while Catherine is very elegant, and refined, quiet but strong.

    My sister has a fabulous C name. Caroline, named after our great Aunt Beatrice Caroline. Her nick-name (like our great Aunt) is Callie.

    I truly wish i had been given an elegant family C name!! instead i got stuck w/the ultimate trend name Jennifer…bleck! oh well..i love Kristen. lol

  2. I have been dissappointed my whole life because all those gift shops out there have Kristen and Christine, but never Kristine! I may be a little biased, but I think that Kristine is prettier looking than Christine. But somehow, I think that the name Christina looks better than Kristina. I don’t know why, but that has always been my opinion.

  3. Of course, Kilmeny does sound a bit like a command to slaughter a large number of people, so I can see why it hasn’t become too popular. I know a girl named Kestrel, after the bird. That’s not a horrible name. I also find Katya and Katrin to be good less-common Katherine alternatives.

  4. Great suggestions. I love Clio!

    When you get to the K’s, how about Keren and Keturah? (They’re both little-used biblical choices.) I also like the German Klara. There is also the obscure and literary Kilmeny (heroine of an Alfred Noyes poem and a Lucy Maud Montgomery novel).

  5. I don’t think Caprice is bad; I associate it more with carefree whimsy or even music. I thought of Celeste and Catalina right away, but I don’t know where they place.

  6. I’ve thought of Kerensa and Keziah, too. There *must* be more! As for Q and X, Y and Z, I can only imagine they will be short posts. Unless, of course, some celeb names their kids Quiver or Xylophone between now and then. 😉

  7. I don’t know about K! Honestly, aside from my name, Kenneth, Kenna, and Kerensa, I can’t think of any K names I don’t hate. I don’t even really like Kenneth or Kenna, but I just don’t hate them, and Katherine is way too popular for the alphabet posts.

    Quinn is about it for Q names for me. I guess Quinlan and Quinton aren’t bad, but they look weird to me. I like Xanthe and Ximena, but that’s it. Zoe, Zara, and Zora are the only Z names I like.

  8. Charlotte is lovely, but yup, anything in the Top 200 is more or less ruled out for the Alphabet posts. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do when I get to K, that most-abused baby name letter, or Q or X or Z. Are there any unusual K names that don’t make my head want to rotate around on its neck a la the Exorcist? If you think of any, please let me know!

    I also skipped Calla and Caroline and a few other worthy options so I can write a “Getting to Callie” post. It is a very appealing nickname, but as you say, needs to have a grown-up version to back it up.

  9. Ugh, I can’t stand Caprice as a name, or Capri. They’re so silly sounding, and have such an ugly meaning!

    Is Charlotte too common to make the list? I also really like Calla, which is Greek for ‘beauty’ and a type of lily. Calla makes a nice give name for people who really really like the nickname Callie, but can’t come up with a more grown-up sounding name.