About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. Huh on the nickname thing. I don’t go to either of those, I think Etta straight off and then maybe Lottie.

  2. The thing I dislike about Loretta is the nickname options – Lori feels dated to me, and while Retta/Rett appeals, I feel like Lori would be the default.

    Of course, Tabitha lacks an obvious nn, too, though a reader suggested Tibby – only works for a small child, I guess, but better than Tab.

  3. Marion is much nicer than Loretta! Its funny an R.E (religious education) teacher at my school was called Loretta, I’m not a big fan of it as it goes

  4. I have a great Aunt Loretta! Not a huge fan of the name, but it’s alright and I think the “Lor” is very pretty. This also makes me think of “Get Back” by the Beatles.

  5. Yea! When I was 13 and decided to give myself a bunch of random middle names, Loretta was one of them. 😛

    Totally like Tabitha & Loretta as a twin pair. 🙂