About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I don’t mean to offend lovers or bearers of the names Savannah and Samantha, but both names (and they’re very similar in my mind) are up there on my list of most disliked names. I’d actually prefer Samantha to Savannah, which I’m sad to say, makes me cringe.

  2. I think it’s a weird and unfortunate choice. Savannah is a bad combination of trendy and dated, and savannah conjures up images of grasslands in hot countries or the southern US city, neither of which has much to do with England or its history. With such a great array of English names to choose from, it’s a shame they didn’t take advantage. Here’s hoping Kate and William have better taste!

    1. Totally agree with you on all of that!

      I checked Name Voyager and it does rank in the top 1000 US names from the 1880s – 1920s, which surprised me, as it sounds trendy dated 90s to me. Still definitely doesn’t conjure up a British vibe or royalty vibe at all.

      1. I remember checking for it on ancestry.co.uk a while back and finding quite a few British examples dating from the 1860’s and onwards. Definitely had earlier use across the pond. It used to have a distinctive American “Southern Belle” vibe for me but since that ancestry discovery, no longer.

        Princess Savannah tickles me.

        And I’m completely meh on the name. It’s innocuous.

  3. Eugenie’s pretty wild as well, but in a royalish way. I wonder if Zara seemed crazy way back when.

  4. I think it’s nice that it includes “Ann”, I would assume that that’s part of why they chose it.

  5. The Royals usually provide us with interesting choices, but this name hasn’t sparked any interest from me. For example, places #33 and #34 in the line are occupied by brothers Columbus and Cassius Taylor, and then their sisters Eloise and Estella 😀

    Like Estella, I’m hoping for something more in the middle places.

  6. Glad to help! I personally was surprised by the choice and, as an avid royal watcher, a bit disappointed. I had hoped for a name reflecting Peter’s grand ancestry, but considering that Princess Anne wanted her children to be “normal,” I suppose it only goes to follow that Peter would choose a non-royal name for his own child.

    Perhaps I could be mollified with a “Savannah Elizabeth Victoria” or something along those lines. 🙂