It’s been a big summer for the color pink. We’ve already welcomed Stella and Honor, and yesterday, Miss Sunday Rose Kidman Urban arrived to proud parents Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban.

We find this an absolutely fabulous choice of a name for a daughter. It’s modern and unexpected, but as we mentioned in our post on Name of the Day: Tuesday, there’s plenty of precedent for using months, seasons and even days as names in our culture and beyond.

Sunday calls to mind both the Christian day of worship and a pagan affection for the sun. It seems a little bit country – just like Daddy – and as active and vibrant as the Australians – just like Mom.

Congratulations to the new family. Nicely done!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. Looks like I’m the odd one out again. I think it’s fine – different, but not so different that it’s uncarriable.Then again, where I live, the names are quite different than the US & UK, so my standards are different. Their parents suggested the name & they chose it for personal reasons.I’d much rather a Sunday as opposed to a Stella, which I have just always dislike d- intensely. Overall, I like it. I am generally the opposite of the general posters here,though – my name tatse is generally opposite

  2. I’ll go to bat here. I like Sunday. I hate it with Rose, though. I hate paired up word names, though. Sunday Regina? Sunday Elise? Great! Scarlett Rose? Violet Grace? Hate!

  3. Another, thanks for the link – interesting inspiration.

    The one shortcoming I see with Sunday is that siblings really *ought* to have names that make them sound like part of the same family, even if they don’t share all of the same parents.

    But then, Tom already broke the rule with the bizarre choice of Suri.

  4. Theres something kind of sweet sounding about it, but then again a 50 year old Sunday would seem weird. To be honest I can’t quite get my head around it – all told,I agree that it’s a pretty odd choice from someone who I expected to choose a distinctly more name palatable name…

  5. Hmmm, I was also expecting a different name than Sunday Rose from Ms. Kidman. I mean, Sunday? And pair it with a boring old filler like Rose too? I mean Sunday obviously does not fit with Isabella and Connor.

  6. It’s not happenin’ in my crayon box either. 😉 I too, expected something… classier from her. Not essentially him, though. Just like Shiloh, I see a lot of him in this name. He seems a bit less “polished”, to me. If it had even been flipped: Rose Sunday, I would have thought “hmm.. odd but not awful, she can live with that!” I hope Sunny isn’t her permanent nickname into adulthood. A 50 year odl Sunny has some pretty sad possibilities, I think.

  7. I’m with Catherine. Sunday is…odd. Rose is…mundane. Weird combnation. I expect a little more thought from Ms Kidman – then again, her older children are Connor and Isabella. Sunday Rose sounds like something someone living in Kansas in 1945 might have named her child. Definitely not my cup of tea.

  8. I have to disagree, there. Sunday…*nose wrinkles* At least it’s not Sundae, which I’ve seen in a birth announcement. Rose is trendy filler. I mean, it’s better then Pilot Inspektor and Satchel on a girl, but that’s not really saying much. I expected more from Nicole Kidman. She’s a classy lady, so I expected nice classy names. Sunday Rose sounds sort of like a resteraunt or stripper, no offence meant to all the lovely stripper ladies out there. Also sounds like a name for a horse. I thought we were really getting somewhere with starbabies after Stella Doreen, but, looks like I was wrong. 😛