Name Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every week, one reader’s name questions will be discussed.
We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight!
Danielle writes:
We are THOSE people. We had two girls names. Our daughter, Ella Esther, was born first. We always knew her sister would be named Georgia Grace.
But then it took years before we had our second baby. We’d had a list of boy names, but friends and family took them all.
By the time we had our son, we were out of names. And we figured we’d never have another daughter, so we kind of took apart Georgia Grace and came up with Grayson Garrett.
Now we’re having a total surprise baby, it’s a girl, and I’m not sure what to do!
Do we name her Georgia Grace? Or is two (four) G names too many for a single family?
For many reasons, we’ve waited until very close to Grayson’s due date, and again this time, before really thinking about names.
My husband says we should just name her Georgia Grace, but I don’t feel like it’s the right name this time, if that makes sense.
We could really use some advice, and hopefully some new name ideas, too!
Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.
Abby replies:
Congratulations on your third – how exciting!
Many parents tell me that names belong to a pregnancy. So Georgia Grace might’ve been your favorite name for your second child … but it can feel like it’s somehow taken by that moment in time, even if you used a name that’s only broadly similar for your son.
But yes, of course, plenty of parents would agree with your husband, too!
Let’s look at your options first:
OPTION #1: Name your daughter Georgia Grace.
Sure, it’s lots of the letter G. But all those Gs won’t be obvious to an outsider. You’d have Ella, Grayson, and Georgia. Except for your most immediate family, I doubt anyone would ever notice that two kids shared the same initials. It’s just that you recognize that Grayson Garrett was inspired by Georgia Grace, which makes the names seem closer than they actually sound.
OPTION #2. Name your daughter Georgia, but choose a different middle.
What if you simply changed Georgia’s middle name? After all, the greatest overlap is with Grayson and Grace. Georgia Jane, Georgia Juniper, Georgia Annabelle, Georgia Elise, Georgia Marlowe … the list of possibilities is endless. And, most importantly, it opens some space between your two children’s names.
OPTION #3: Start fresh and choose an entirely new name.
This solves the problem of too many Gs, and it gives each kid a distinct name. The only issue, of course, is that right now you don’t have another name that you love.
My suggestion: a mix of #2 and #3.
Let’s try to find a new name you can love, but know that Georgia – particularly with a fresh middle – remains a viable option. I’d call it the name to beat.
So does anything beat it?
As simple and straightforward as Ella, with every bit as much vintage charm.
On paper, Blair is a very different style from Ella. But it seems like a good sister name for Ella and Grayson, a breezy, tailored choice.
It’s a J, not a G, but Georgia and Juliette start with the same sound. Would that appeal?
As complete as Ella, with the same old-fashioned charm.
That O ending makes this vintage Margaret nickname feel even more vibrant.
There’s something about this Greek name that sounds interesting, and just slightly different, even though names like Zoe, Chloe, and Penelope have dominated the US Top 100 in recent years.
The Italian city is spelled with a single N – Siena – but American parents tend to favor this spelling. It’s a light, flowing name with a lovely sound.
Classic, vivacious, and just plain fun to say.
Overall, I think I’m still team Georgia NewMiddleName. It feels like a solid compromise that preserves the name you love, but also avoids duplicating your son’s initials exactly.
If not that, then I’m drawn to Phoebe. Ella, Grayson, and Phoebe. Maybe even Phoebe Georgette?
I definitely think you can use Georgia Grace, but if you want something new, I completely second something with an FF (between E and G).
-Faye Franchesca
-Fern Farrah
-Fia/Fiadh Fleur
-Fiona Florence
-Flora Francine
-Freya Felicity
-Frida Ferelith
Nobody else is ever going to see Georgia Grace and Grayson Garrett and think one somehow copies the other. And very very few people will ever hear them both at the same time, anyway. It’s only in your mind that Grayson is “from” Georgia because you know you would have used Georgia if he were a girl. Nobody else will be able to divine that.
If you love Georgia Grace (and you should, it’s lovely), use it.
I’d love to hear another vowel name for Ella’s sister…
Ell@ EsTer, Grays0n Garr3t and….
Annalie Ayla
Amelia Adeline
Ayla Adeline
Isla Isabel
Annika Amelie
Honora Helena
Annora/ Annora Amelia
Anneliese Augusta / Ayla
Audrey Antonia
Georgia Juliette is lovely. Maybe use the Italian version to get double Gs: Georgia Giulietta or Georgia Giovanna. Since Grayson’s Gs are harder, using soft Gs with Georgia creates a nice difference.
Congratulations on your new baby! Ella Esther and Grayson Garrett are gorgeous alliterations, I’m swooning! If you’d like another alliteration name with a different initial, here’s some of my ideas keeping Georgia Grace in mind:
Ruby Rose
Margot Marie
Lily Louise
Audrey Anna
Heidi Hope
Clara Catherine
Sadie Sloane
Maisie Martha
Freya Faith
Iris Isabel
Flora Frances
Mila Maeve
Josephine Jane
Poppy Paige
Daisy Dot/ Daisy Dorothy
I especially love Ruby, Margot, Lily, Heidi, Maisie, Freya, or Daisy as a sister to Ella and Grayson. You could totally still use Georgia though! Maybe a different middle name could make it feel different to your last pregnancy? How about:
Georgia Gem
Georgia Gwen
Georgia Gabrielle
Georgia Goldie
Georgia Genevieve
Congratulations again and best of luck with naming your daughter 🙂 x
I was expecting you to say you’d named your son George, in which case, yes, you couldn’t name your daughter Georgia! But since he’s Grayson, Georgia is absolutely usable.
Otherwise, here’s some options for alliterative names that have a similar feel to Georgia Grace:
Fifer Faith
Lydia Love
Piper Prudence
Hannah Hope
Maren Mercy
Phoebe Patience
Beatrix Blythe
Juliet Joy
Hazel Honor
Thea Temperance
Violet Verity