Name Help: Cecily or BeatriceName Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every week, one reader’s name questions will be discussed.

We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight!

Sandra writes:

We are expecting our second daughter in mid-July. She will be baby sister to Eleanor Alice and we have narrowed names down to a shortlist of two: Beatrice and Cecily.

My American husband (who moved to Australia 14 years ago) carries a French surname, seven generations after the family migrated to the US. It begins with a ‘C’ and it’s quite lovely but, from a practical sense, meant we wanted a name that would straddle the Anglo-Franco divide well.

Eleanor, a long-held favourite of mine, became the obvious choice (not least because the most famous bearer was Queen of France AND of England) and, happily, complements the chosen middle name of Alice very well.

There are certainly no regrets with our first choice but we now find ourselves torn with where to head for her sister. The middle name is likely to be Alexandra.

I am not keen to introduce a third option, unless there’s a really compelling case. Here’s where I stand:

Cecily – My favourite, which I had earlier abandoned because my husband hated the sound. There’s a chance he can be talked into it. He much prefers Cecilia but, for me, it’s Cecily or nothing; I don’t want to be reminded that I got 80% of the way to perfect. As a friend with similar naming taste pointed out “It’s the name of another Mother of Kings!”.

Beatrice – Solid and stately without being fashionable. It’s probably somewhat more familiar to people than Cecily, a name that my husband hadn’t come across before I suggested it. I think it’s a really good choice and, on paper, it seems like it might be more of an obvious sibling name to Eleanor but it doesn’t sound as pretty as Cecily to my ears.

I could really use some impartial insight and observations on these options.

Please read on for my response, and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.

Dear Sandra –

Congratulations on your second daughter!

This is the hardest kind of decision. Your husband doesn’t like the name you love. That means that Cecily is, practically speaking, not an option.

He’s offered Cecilia as a substitute. That sounds reasonable. Especially if you consider the name’s history. It starts with the Roman family name Caecilius. A handful of fascinating historical figures bear the name, including a seventh century Berber Christian king of Altava, in modern-day Algeria; a banker whose house is preserved in the ruins of Pompeii; and a first century saint sent to evangelize Spain.

According to the rules of Latin, the name becomes Caecilia when feminine; and spread from there to many European languages. The French use Cecile. The Germans shorten it to Silke and Zilla. But the English? They wrote Cecilia in official records, but used Cecily in everyday speech.

That’s true for many names. Margaret became Margery, and later Marjorie. So the difference between Cecily and Cecilia, one might think, is slight.

But that’s not the case for you. To your ears, there’s a chasm between Cecily and Cecilia. One form you love; the other form feels like a pale substitute.

One thought: would you consider Cecile instead? To me, it’s more faithful to Cecily’s soft sounds than Cecilia, and because it’s tailored but feminine, it sounds like a sister for Eleanor, too.

If there’s not a compromise between the various forms of the name, then that leaves Beatrice.

And Beatrice is, as you say, a really good choice. Eleanor and Beatrice sound like sisters. It’s a strong sound, but there’s lots of history and romance to Beatrice. The author Dante loved Beatrice Portinari in real life; in literature, he transformed her into the Beatrice of The Divine Comedy. I think that makes this name a rather spectacular match to Eleanor. And just like Eleanor can be

And yet, here’s what strikes me: if Cecily was your first choice, and Beatrice your second, I don’t know that you’d be writing. It sounds like Beatrice is, for you, merely adequate.

So I have to ask: Will you be content naming your daughter Beatrice?

If the answer is yes, then Beatrice gets my vote. It satisfies you both. Yes, you’ve sacrificed your favorite name. But parenting is a partnership, and we inevitably compromise on all sorts of matters related to raising our children.

But what if Beatrice doesn’t feel like your daughter’s name, and your husband can’t come around to Cecily?

Then I wonder if you might consider starting fresh.

I know you’re not looking for new suggestions, but I think that might be what you need right now. There are two possible outcomes of starting with a blank sheet of paper:

First, you might find that you really are just fine with Beatrice. Or, alternately, it might help your husband warm to Cecily. Sometimes the process of eliminating more options actually makes your original shortlist feel more appealing.

Second, of course, you might find a name that you both love.

If you’re willing to consider alternatives, might I suggest Sybil, Caroline, Genevieve, Celeste, Colette, Sabrina, or Selena? Plenty of these have a soft C sound, but they all offer plenty of strength, too.

Maybe the first step is this: have you confirmed that your husband is definitely opposed to naming your daughter Cecily? Sometimes the names we reject early in a pregnancy feel more reasonable as time goes by. It was new to him when you first mentioned it; perhaps the passing of weeks will have added to its appeal?

I’m going to add a poll, but let’s try it with three options: Cecily, Beatrice, or start fresh.


Readers, what would suggest to Sandra and her husband? Have you been stuck between two names with your partner? How did you resolve your disagreement?

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I always want my husband to love the name we choose … I know you don’t want more options but Abby’s reasonings behind at least looking further make sense. You may find something you both love or it may push one or both of you more in the direction of one of your finalists.

    I usually find myself suggesting Florence alongside Beatrice, and I do like it with Eleanor. It also has the same pretty softness as both Cecily and Beatrice. But this time, I actually love Frances.

    Eleanor and Frances sound like sisters. And Frances Alexandra is lovely.

  2. I vote Cecily if you can get your husband to enthusiastically agree. If he’s a fan of Cecilia then time may have softened him to Cecily.
    I have names on my list that a few years ago (some even a few months ago) I wouldn’t have considered. But conversations happened and I ruminated and now they’re on the list as favorites for a potential child down the line. Sometimes a new name doesn’t elicit a lightening strike but instead ignites embers that slowly build to a great fire. If Cecily ended up as a slow build for your husband I think you should go for it.
    If not, I think you should go back to the drawing board as it doesn’t sound like you love Beatrice. The suggestion of Sybil is great, imho. Plus Sybil Alexandra is a beautiful combo.

  3. I chose Beatrice because… I don’t know your husband, but I’d be worried that even if he said ok to Cecily he would be doing it just to please you.
    Maybe you can use Cecily in the middle?
    Beatrice Cecily

  4. I like both names. I think Beatrice fits more style wise with Eleanor. Could you drop Alexandra and agree to Beatrice Cecily or Cecily Beatrice?

  5. I voted for Cecily, with the caveat that it only works if your husband warms up to it. If he’s dead set against Cecily, you definitely don’t like Cecilia, and Beatrice is just so-so, I would go back to the drawing board.

    We had one pregnancy during which we kept flip-flopping between 2 names. Baby ended up being the other gender, so we didn’t use either of them for her. 🙂 But they were used for our next 2 little ones.

  6. I love Cecily and Eleanor!! I think if you love Cecily you should try one more time to get your hubby on board. Cecelia called Cecily seems like a really good compromise. It’s easy to get from one name to the other. My hubby and I compromised when in your boat, but that’s only a good option if you both feel like you’re getting something, and it sounds like you would feel a loss compromising in this case…
    Beatrice is perfectly lovely, and there are some great new suggestions here too (Celeste and Felicity are a couple of my faves mentioned)- but only consider if one pops out that you love!
    I hope you and your hubby can find something that feels good for both of you.
    Congrats and best of luck Sandra!!

  7. Since Cecily and Eleanor were also on our shortlist, maybe our other favorites would appeal?
    Helen (too close to Eleanor?)
    Eloise (way too close?)

  8. I think this is a situation when you need to but Cecily away. It is hard when you like something so much but it Is vetoed. But I do think Cecile is a good compromise.

    New names

    Joan Alexandra
    Vivienne Alexandra

  9. I think Cecily flows better into your last name because Beatrice ends phonetically in an s rather than a vowel. I get the teensiest but tripped up on Beatrice Alexandra as well with the s placements. Cecily’s s sounds come earlier in the name and don’t present the same issue. And there is no reason that Cecily can’t be elaborated into the NICKNAME of Cecilia by your husband for fun. Nicknames aren’t always short forms!

  10. I love the name Cecily, too, much more than Cecilia. But I think Cecile is a lovely alternative—that is, if you like it. And if you do, I think it works beautifully with Eleanor.

    However, if your of the mind that compromising ruins your favorite choice, perhaps it would be best to start fresh and find a name you both love. I would like to suggest Felicity for you. Felicity shares a few of the soft sounds of Cecily, which is why I think it might appeal to you, but it’s different enough that your husband might like it. The name has a sweet sound and meaning of its own, and I think it would sound lovely with Eleanor.

    Best of luck in your decision! 🙂

    1. You know, now that I think about it, there actually were sisters named Felicity and Cecily in the Road to Avonlea series. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it or not, but perhaps that’s the original reason the two remind me of each other.