NH twin brother for LucyName Help is a series at Appellation Mountain. Every week, one reader’s name questions will be discussed.

We’re relying on thoughtful comments from the community to help expectant parents narrow down their name decisions. Thank you in advance for sharing your insight!

Krissie writes:

We have three kiddos: Grace “Gracie” Elizabeth, Jonathan “Jon” Andrew, and Michael Stephen – who we thought we’d call Mickey, but is usually Michael. We thought we were expecting our fourth (and probably last) baby. But surprise! We’re having boy-girl twins.

The problem is that we really only have one name picked out: Lucy has been the girl name I wanted for either Jon or Michael. We agreed that if this baby was a boy, he’d be Lucas or Luke. (And probably called Luke either way.) I didn’t want to use Luke before if we might still have a Lucy.

Now we’re not sure if we should use Lucy or Luke, but we know we can’t use both!

Our last name is Czech. It starts with a Hr, ends with a ka and usually makes people stop before they say it. So we want our children’s names to be simple and classic.

We’ve also talked about Marie, Emma, Julia, James, David, and Paul, but none of them seem right. I think I’d rather not repeat an initial, so that means no more G, J, or M names. (Maybe why I’m lukewarm on Marie/James, etc., because I love those names for other people.)

Middle names are also names we love, usually ones we considered for first names but weren’t quite right.

So … which baby gets the one name? And what do we name his/her sibling?

Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.

Abby replies:

Congratulations on your new daughter and son!

I totally get how this could throw you for a loop. You have The Name all set. But there’s no way to share it!

My first impulse – and still my advice – is to name your daughter Lucy. It sounds like you like the name Luke well enough, but Lucy has been the one that’s stayed with you over the years.

So if your daughter is Lucy, that means we’re naming a brother for Gracie, Jon, Michael, and Lucy.

We’re ruling out James, and David and Paul aren’t quite right, either. So we need a straightforward boys’ name that works well with his siblings and avoids repeating the initials G, J, M, and L, right?

I wonder if part of the issue is that David and Paul are classic names, but maybe less current? It sounds counter-intuitive, but classic names do trend in and out of favor. I’m going to suggest a mix of traditional favorites that aren’t particularly stylish right now, along with some that are considered quite stylish.



A rock solid classic, Adam remains in the US Top 100. But it’s classic, not trendy.


Yes, Alexander is long. But most Alexanders are automatically called Alex, and Alex sounds perfect with Gracie, Jon, Michael, and Lucy.


Handsome, reliable Benjamin appears across history, from the Old Testament to the Founding Fathers. But Ben feels friendly and approachable.


A classic that remains in style limbo, Peter could be the perfect choice with Jon and Michael.


Sam is just like Ben – traditional in its full form, with casual, every-guy Sam for daily use.


One of the hottest names and a classic, too. Theo sounds perfect with Gracie, Jon, Michael, and Lucy. But you might also shorten Theodore to Teddy or Ted.


I suspect you’d find yourself using Thomas in full, just like Michael. It reminds me of James, with that -s ending, but gives you a different first initial. And, of course, Tom fits in with Sam and Ben.


Maybe my favorite! William-called-Will is a name with history to spare. But it’s not too grand, either, thanks to cozy short form Will. Or, of course, Billy or Bill.

My favorites are Lucy and William-called-Will, or possibly Lucy and Benjamin-called-Ben. Would Lucy Marie and William James appeal? Or maybe Lucy Claire and William Theodore?

Readers, over to you! Do you agree that they should use Lucy for their daughter instead of Luke for their son? And what would you name the other twin?


About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. Lucy and…
    Jude, Patrick, Wilfred, Frederick, Henry

    Also love Lucy and Theodore together, as well as Arthur.

  2. Hi there,

    Definitely keep Lucy! I actually feel like it’s a name that doesn’t get used enough because many people seem to want longer classic names. I don’t know how true that is everywhere, but I live in California! So take that with a grain of salt.

    I like the suggestions: Adam, Peter, and Thomas for Lucy!

    But if I were to add some new names to the list already stated + previous comments?

    – JACOB (if for some reason you decided you and your partner are fine with having another “J” name)

    – GILBERT – it means “shining pledge” & Lucy means “light”. “Bertie” or “Gil” could be straightforward nicknames. Gilbert is classic to me, but underused. Look up the character, “Gilbert Blythe” from the 1985 miniseries, “Anne of Green Gables”.

    – ANDREW – “Andy” is a friendly nickname that fits with “Lucy” or “Drew” is a nickname name that I think might be getting a comeback for parents looking for something short and/or gender-neutral.

    Congrats on the twins, and best wishes on every step of the way. Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves!

  3. I agree that Lucy seems to be the way to go. If not, then:

    Lucas + Theresa
    Lucas + Joy
    Lucas + Honor/Honora/Honey/Nora/Noor
    Lucas + Anna
    Lucas + Evelyn

    (Note: You have Grace, Mike, John, and Lu… You may want an E name to spread out the vowels.)

  4. One thing about your existing sibset that struck me – how whimsical Michael and Jon sound together on children.. I realized it’s because those are the brother names of Wendy in Peter Pan! Which makes me wonder whether you should skip Peter (also because KM points out the Narnia pairing of Peter & Lucy.) But it made me think about childrens book character names for your son (because I agree LUCY all the way for your daughter!!)

    Lucy & Christopher (love that it would be a nod to your name too!)
    Lucy & Charles
    Lucy & Timothy
    Lucy & Nicholas

  5. Peter and Lucy seems perfect! But would that be too Chronicles of Narnia? I like Iris’s suggestion of a name that means “twin,” how cool would that be. If you want to go with Luke instead, I think Luke and Marie would be great.

  6. Thomas is great, as it means “twin”!
    I agree you should use Lucy, it seems to be your favorite. So Lucy and Thomas!

    Or Henry and Lucy. Hank and Lucy!
    Or William and Lucy. I kind of like Liam and Lucy!
    Or Andrew and Lucy.

    From Abby’s list, Ben and Lucy and Peter and Lucy are sweet options, too.

    1. I like linking twin names if it’s done subtly… So from your list I really like Lucy and Henry. Just as your Michael goes by his full name, I wouldn’t plan on a designated nickname for either of these names.