Update: I’m sorry it took so long to send this! After reading this and all the comments, my husband was convinced Maria was the right name. And I was equally convinced that was the one name we couldn’t use, lol! We made it all the way to my induction date without really having a final girl’s name chosen. Then fate lent a hand. We were waiting for the pitocin to kick in, and Sense and Sensibility was on television. At first, I thought it was a sign to name her Katherine, because Kate Winslet. But then I remembered that Kate plays Marianne, and it just made sense. My husband agreed! We weren’t sure about a nickname, but the girls immediately called their new sister Mimi. We’re hoping for a fourth soon, and if it’s not a boy, we’ll definitely be back!
Table of Contents
Jenna writes:
I’ve always loved names, and my husband and I have always agreed easily, but with our third child it’s becoming a struggle.
We have two favorite boys’ names: Edward “Ned” and Maxwell “Max.” We also have two favorite girls’ names, which we’ve used for our daughters, Beatrice and Eleanor. We call them Bea and Ella.
All of our children have my last name as their middle name, M!ller, and share my husband’s last name, which sounds like Carrie, but is spelled differently.
Our list of maybes:
ESTHER – A friend suggested it, and much as I like it for someone else, I wonder if it sounds like we’re just trying too hard?
KATHERINE – My sister is Katelyn, and she’s sometimes Katie at home. This would be my first choice, but I’ve always felt a little awkward about it. None of our kids have family names, and I don’t want to steal my sister’s name or make it feel as though I’m singling her out for an honor. (I love my sister, but I feel like it would open questions about why we honored this sibling and not another, or not our parents, etc.)
LUCILLE – I like Lucy, but it’s not great with Carrie as a last name. Lucille feels very old lady to me, but maybe that’s wrong.
MARIA – I love the name Mary, and I really liked the idea after Downton Abbey. But Mary rhymes with our last name. My husband suggested Maria and I’m thinking about it. But does it sound too Italian/Spanish? Are there nicknames I’m not thinking of?
RUTH – Another friend suggestion, and I like it, but maybe it’s not really us?
I’m not sure if the name is on our list already and I just can’t see it, or if we need some new ideas.
Names we cannot use include Elizabeth, Julia, and Margaret, as well as names we probably wouldn’t consider, like Willow and Sloane.
Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.
Abby replies:
Congratulations on your new daughter!
From your current list, I was ready to push for Maria. It’s a classic, used across many countries and languages. While I know plenty of women with Latina or Italian heritage named Maria, it’s truly universal. And it can be nicknamed, to Mia, Mimi, or Mae.
Except … with your last name, I say Maria sounds-like-Carrie and it’s very close to Mariah Carey. Not unthinkably close, but probably closer than I’d like. Since this isn’t a front-runner name for you, I’d probably move on.
That leaves me thinking hard about Katherine. Would you consider calling her Kit instead? Katherine-called-Kit isn’t too close to Katelyn-sometimes-Katie at all. And it fits nicely with Bea and Ella, too.
I’m inclined to drop Esther, Lucille, and Ruth. It feels like those are names you’d like to like, but aren’t quite working.
Let’s see if we can think of some more tailored classics with easy nicknames.
There are lots of girls out there answering to Addie, but most of them are some spelling of Addison or Adeline/Adelyn. Among the crowd, Adelaide stands out. It’s a substantial name with a bright, strong sound, one that sounds just right with Beatrice and Eleanor. Shorten it to Ada, and it’s perfect with Bea and Ella, too.
Cecilia is more popular, but the restrained, French style of Cecile seems like a better match. Either way, the nickname Ceci is an obvious, wearable option.
Frances is buttoned-up and lady-like; Frannie is high- spirited and all-girl.
I agree that Lucille isn’t my favorite, even though it seems like it ought to be just right for your family. Would you consider Louise instead? It’s every bit as traditional – probably a little more – and nickname Lou, Lula, and Lulu are all good choices. Lucy, too, could work.
Maria sounds-like-Carrie might not work, but Marianne could be perfect. Nicknames are all the same – Mia, Mimi, Mae – plus maybe Anna/Anne/Annie.
If Maria feels traditional, the related Miriam feels like more of an antique. The Old Testament form of Mary shortens nicely to Miri or Mimi. (Or, if you’re a fan of television series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, possibly even Midge.)
While there’s no question that this name is an unassailable classic, it’s surprisingly rare by 2023 standards. Nickname Tessa ranks hundreds of spaces ahead of Teresa. But that’s not bad news, really – and Tess is very much a sister name for Bea and Ella.
All those sharp, sophisticated V sounds! Vivian is a timeless name, and Vivi or Viv an appealing short form.
As I look at the list, I’m stuck on Cecile – the very first name that came to mind. But I wonder if Marianne or even Miriam might be more your speed?
(Unrelated to your current query: Max Carey is the name of a Baseball Hall-of-Famer! He played and managed for the Brooklyn Dodgers. He’s not exactly a household name, even among baseball fans, but if your family enjoys the sport, it could be a cool connection for a future son.)
Oh, I just *adore* your naming style! Beatrice and Eleanor are two of my very favorite names. Feminine but not frilly, classic but not plain, traditional but not stuffy.
Katherine is a beautiful name, and I think it’s far enough away from Katelyn. However, Katherine Carrie reminds me of Cash and Carry, which used to be the name of a big warehouse grocery chain in the U.S. They rebranded a few years ago so the old name will fade over time, and maybe you live in a region where people wouldn’t make that association in the first place.
I love Abby’s recommendations of Adelaide (“Addie”), Frances (“Frannie”), Louise (“Lou”).
I find it interesting that Miriam is so popular in the comments as an alternative to Maria. To me, Miriam is a more “ethnic” name than Maria: nearly every Miriam I’ve ever met is Jewish. It’s the second most popular girls’ name in Israel at the moment. If your family isn’t Jewish, it might seem like an unusual choice to some.
A name that could combine the appeal of Mary and Katherine is Madeline or Madeleine.
Madeleine M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Madeleine
Bea, Ella, and Mimi
I also love the idea of Josephine, which several other commenters mentioned. It has the same literary-historical feel as your other daughters’ names.
Josephine M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Josephine
Bea, Ella, and Jo
Some other possibilities:
Amelia M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Amelia
Bea, Ella, and Mia
Aurelie M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Aurelie
Bea, Ella, and Aura
Cassandra M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Cassandra
Bea, Ella, and Cass
Delphine M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Delphine
Bea, Ella, and Dede
Lucia M!ller Carrie (pronounced “lu-SEE-ah”)
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Matilda
Bea, Ella, and Luce
Matilda M!ller Carrie
Beatrice, Eleanor, and Matilda
Bea, Ella, and Tilda
Beatrice, Eleanor andโฆ..
Antoniaโฆ..Bea, Ella and Annie
Margaretโฆ..Bea, Ella and Meg or Mae
Margotโฆ..Bea, Ella and Meg or Mae
Margauxโฆ..Bea, Ella and Meg or Mae
Penelopeโฆ..Bea, Ella and Nellie
We have a Beatrice who was very nearly an Eleanor and our other daughter is named Charlotte. How about Alice, Violet, or Hazel?
Amelie (pronounced Aah-mel-ee) (nn. Mel)
Amelia (Mia, Lia)
Alice (nn. Allie)
Charlotte (Lola, Ari)
My first thought was Charlotte. Beatrice, Eleanor and Charlotte.
Then Theresa/Tess.
My favorite Mary name is Marion. I prefer the on to an, but whatever suits! With Maid Marion and Marion Cotillard, it feels chic, strong and elegant, like your other girls.
Anastasia ‘Carrie’ or Alexandra ‘Carrie’ are lovely. And nn of Anna or Sasha respectively work well with Bea and Ella.
Last thought was Genevieve, nn Eve. It matches the style of your other names well.
MARIANNE and KATHERINE are my favorite suggestions via this post.
Iโm also going to suggest MEREDITH and I see other commenters immediately thought of this name too!
Other recommendations?
LOUISE/LOUISA โ โLouโ, โIsaโ, โIzzieโ
MADELEINE โ โMaddieโ
Hope weโre helping and not overwhelming you!
Best of luck! x
I love the suggestion of Shakespeare names! Some of my favorite options for you:
E,B, & Rosalind or Rosamund nn Rose
E,B, & Virginia nn Ginger
E,B, & Dorothea nn Dot
E, B, & Lucinda nn Lulu
E, B, and Philippa nn Pippa
E,B, and Adriana
E, B, & Mirabel
E,B, & Lydia