Monday, July 12 kicks off Lurker Week – five days of posts featuring names suggested by brand new voices. (Not that I don’t think each and everyone of you is fabulous, and I love getting lists from long-time readers. But, hey, I know how hard it is to work up the courage to comment on a blog.)
As it happens, there were more than five comments on that post. (So, not that much courage, maybe. Just a nudge.) There will be names suggested by de-lurked readers right into August. I might just make this an annual event, kind of like Shark Week. Except, you know, no sharks.
I also wanted to take one little minute to thank everyone who has suggested a name, now or ever! It’s incredibly fun to write these posts, but only because you continue to come up with such interesting choices.
Oops – helps if I really look into the archives, doesn’t it. Thanks for the great posts!
Don’t worry ’bout it! My search feature needs serious work. 🙂
I’d like to suggest August 😀
I’m definitely a lurker… never comment and never make suggestions!
So here are mine:
Apologies if these have already been done 🙂
I’ve written about a few, but I’ve been WAITING for someone to suggest Archer – so he’s October 14. Thank you!
I’d like to suggest Stella as a name of the day. If I missed it and it already has been featured, a feature on Ellington would be great! I read through an RSS feed and am usually wayyyyyy too lazy to comment. 🙂
I wrote about Stella here:
But Ellington is brand new! He’ll be October 13. Thanks!
Okay I guess I qualify as a lurker…. I suggest Basia!
– Jana
Basia is lovely – she’s October 12’s NotD.
Awesome, thanks! 🙂
I’ve commented a few times.. but I’ve visited WAY more 🙂 I’d like to suggest Tate as name of the day!
Tate is interesting – he’s up on October 11.
I don’t know if I’m considered lurker…I just recently started posting more but I have been a fan of this blog for a long while! I would like to suggest Heathcliff as a name of the day.
Close enough, Bree! He’ll be NotD on October 6.
It’s a great idea, Abby! I can’t WAIT to see all of the fab , random choices !
Love the title “Lurker Week” Abby. Can’t wait to delve into these new personalities.
looking forward to reading all of these. i know it took me a long time to find the courage and comment. i’ve been meaning to send some more name of the day suggestions which this post has reminded me to do this week!