The baby name Leatrice combines a lovely L sound with favorite Beatrice. But where did this intriguing name first develop?

Thanks to Maggie for suggesting her grandmother’s name as our Baby Name of the Day.


On paper, Leatrice is a combination of the girl’s name Leah with the girl’s name Beatrice. 

In the Old Testament, Leah is the first wife of Jacob. Her name is Hebrew, and while several meanings have been suggested, “weary” is common.  

Beatrice, on the other hand, comes from the Late Latin Viatrix- voyager. Viator, the masculine form, was also used as a given name. The Be- spelling might reflect the Latin beatus – blessed. There are early saints named both Beata and Beatrix or Viatrix.

So take the Hebrew Leah and Latin Beatrice, and that seems to explain the origin of the name.

But there’s one more possibility: the Late Latin Laetitia, meaning happiness. There’s a fourth century saint by the name, which explains why forms of Laetitia are heard across Europe: Letitia, Letizia, and Leticia are the most common.

But there’s also Lettice. It’s a medieval English form of the name. Lettice looks a little bit leafy, but it’s also even closer to Leatrice than Letitia.


While she wasn’t the very first Leatrice, silent film star Leatrice Joy was the most famous.

Born Leatrice Johanna Zeidler in New Orleans in the year 1893, she initially planned to become a nun. When her father became ill and her family needed the money, Zeidler auditioned with a local film company as an actress. Finding some early success, she moved to California.

Now known as Leatrice Joy, she’d become a major star of silent film in the 1920s. She became a Jazz Age icon with her bobbed hair cut. 

But when talkies came to Hollywood, her career was cut short. Joy’s heavy Southern accent wasn’t appreciated in the new format. She launched a vaudeville tour, but was mostly retired by the 1930s.

As one of the top actresses of that era, Joy has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for her contributions to the early movie industry.

Midcentury artist Leatrice Rose, born in 1924, is another notable figure.

girl child with short brown hair wearing denim jacket sitting against rock wall; Baby Name of the Day Leatrice
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In 1908, the baby name  Leatrice was given to six girls, marking the name’s debut in the US Social Security Administration data.

It gained in use rapidly as Joy’s career flourished. In 1922, the name entered the US Top 1000 at #687. It peaked in 1927 at #351. 

By 1944, the name had left the US Top 1000 entirely. As of 2023, fewer than five girls were named Leatrice in the US. The last time the name registered in the US data was 2002, when six girls were named Leatrice.

That’s quite rare. 


Leatrice and Letitia sound like similar names Latisha and Latrice. Both enjoyed some use from the 1960s into the 1980s, typically as African American names.

In that case, they were perceived as La combined with a typical feminine name: Latonya, Latoya, Latasha. (Names like Tamika fit this category, too.) 

Most of them were likely perceived as a new name rather than a refresh of an older one.  


Leah, Lea, and Lia have been quite popular in recent decades. Beatrice, too, is considered a stylish classic.

With gently old-fashioned charm, Leatrice is a combination name that could appeal to parents after something different. While the meaning is disputed, Leatrice Joy’s memory legacy the meaning Leatrice towars the upbeat. 

It shares nicknames with Beatrice, like Triss, but also offers all of the Lee/Lea options. 

While this name is incredibly rare, it makes for an intriguing option for a daughter now – vintage, nearly forgotten, but with a stylish sound and intriguing story. 

What do you think of the baby name Leatrice?

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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1 Comment

  1. Is Leatrice related to Leatrix? Looking up Leatrice Joy I found a video game situation called Leatrix Plus and/or Leatrix Maps. I think it’s pretty, though I much prefer Beatrice/Beatrix.