About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. Thanks for covering Anemone!

    This was one of my first loves, name-wise, when I discovered my mother’s baby naming book. It wasn’t an exhaustive listing of names, but this one was in there, and I loved how the name tripped over my tongue. Would I use it for real for a daughter? I doubt it. It reminds me of childhood (we’re talking pre-pubescence here) and also I have some other names that I love more today.

    But I do still like it very much… and might even put it in the middle spot with a simpler first (provided I had about 5 more daughters and used most of my other favorites)… I had considered another floral/botanical for a 2nd daughter’s middle, since Imogen’s middle is Lily (those were Fern or Ivy, for the record)… and I love Zinnia and Azalea so much that I probably wouldn’t get around to Anemone for until I had too many children for my sanity’s sake.

    Still, I do believe Anemone could wear very well, even up front. Yes, some people will trip over the name, especially the first time, but after that, it’s not so hard to say. And it sure does have lots of nns (which I love), many of which are very “normal” names in case the adventurous Anemone feels like too much name for a little girl. In addition to those mentioned there’s Em or Emme, One (as in OH nee), Ann, and if you’re completely Disney-bonkers mad, Nemo’s there in the middle (but that would be next to torture for a girl!).

    I’d be completely over the moon if I met a little Anemone!

  2. It’s simply too hard to pronounce. Anemone has the same problem that plague Emonie and Ismene, pronounced wrong and they come out as enemy or meanie. All lovely names, all setting the child up for heartache.

      1. Haha! That gave me a great laugh on an otherwise dreary day. Thank you Joy!

  3. I love this name! Not a lot of people like it but the wood anemone is such a beautiful flower! I also fancy the sea creature.

  4. I like it and the plant/creature has long been a favorite of mine, ever since I was little and the name fascinated me. However, I don’t think I could go through with using it is a first name just because of the pronunciation issues. Even as an adult I sometimes stumble over the syllables; I’ve heard others do the same. Maybe us Oklahomans just aren’t that eloquent, but I have a feeling a little Anemone here might have some difficulties. I still think it’s a beautiful name, though. It’d make a wonderful middle.

  5. It is a bit of a mouthful, but does have a pretty sound. I’d prefer it as a middle name. 🙂

  6. I have always liked Anemone. I like the meaning and sound. Not sure if I’d ever actually use it as there are other names that end in -one that I would actually consider.