welcome Boris "Bo" AndrewUPDATE: We went for it! Baby Bo – Boris Andrew – is here, and we’re calling him Bo 100% of the time. My mom cried when I told her, and even though she was against the name at first, she’s so happy that we decided to use her dad’s name now. He’s a big chunk of a baby – almost 10 pounds! – and super chill. The name is perfect for him. Thanks for all the input. It helped so much!

Shae writes:

Can we talk about Boris?

It was my grandpa’s name.

I know it’s old fashioned and Boris Johnson and so on.

But I kind of want to use it if this baby is a boy anyway.

My boyfriend wasn’t into it, but then he came up with the idea of calling him “Bo” for short.

Now I’m pretty set on it.

Other people, including my mom, are trying to talk me out of it.

Should I listen to them, or stick with Boris?

Please read on for my response and leave your thoughtful suggestions in the comments.

Abby replies:

Congratulations on your new baby!

The first thing that comes to mind is this: it’s amazing how often a fusty antique name feels fresh and new as soon as we meet a baby or toddler with that name.

Seriously. I’ve met toddlers named Harold and Edmund and lots of grandpa names. It makes me do a double-take, and then immediately move the name into my “yes please” column. There’s no reason to think that Boris wouldn’t be exactly the same.

It’s equally true that many of these children are named after important figures in their parents’ lives. Style is fine, but meaning outweighs style. If naming your son Boris brings back memories of your beloved grandfather, then odds are you won’t mind the occasional stunned reaction or snarky comment.

But let’s focus on Boris and Bo for a minute. Because I think that nickname really does make a difference. On a playground filled with kids named Beau and Bodhi and Boden, Boris-called-Bo will fit right in. It’s the best of both worlds – meaningful given name, contemporary short form.

All that said, let’s try to think of reasons you might want to avoid naming a son Boris.

Could it make it harder to name future children? Do you have a list of other names you might use for future children, or if this child is a girl? Does Boris feel like a style outlier? How about Bo? Boris and Everly seems a little awkward, though Bo and Everly seems perfectly reasonable.

Will you feel obligated to continue with family names? This can get tricky. While you are not obligated to name any child after anyone – ever – that doesn’t change the possibility that another loved one might be hurt but what she perceives as a slight.

Are there other reasons your mother might object? Families are complicated. It’s hard to know if your mom is reacting to the name, to a particular emotion, or to some combination of both. 99 chances out of 100 that’s completely her issue. But I mention it only because it might help explain her reaction – and possibly help you frame your response, too.

Lastly, I’m assuming you’re not in the UK, so Boris Johnson is not nearly as much of an issue. But I suppose that would sway my feelings, too – meeting a baby Boris in London would immediately make me wonder if he’d been named for the politician?

All of that said, I think I’m very much Team Boris. It’s a meaningful, unexpected choice with a cool, fits-in nickname. But let’s get some more feedback.

Readers, what do you think of the name Boris, with the nickname Bo?

Looking for some private #namehelp? My calendar is open for 45-minute phone consults. Book your time here!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. Add my vote for Boris nn Bo. It helps that I know a young Morris (nn Moz, but mostly called Morris) and that name now feels very usable to me. I agree with Abby’s point that once you encounter an old-fashioned or unexpected name on a baby or young child, it completely freshens it up.

  2. I’m team Boris! It’s cute, meaningful, and you have a great nickname. And 99.9% of kids aren’t going to know who Boris Yeltsin is, so I wouldn’t worry about that association. I say, go for it!

  3. I think I would use Boris as a middle name with a classic, familiar, three syllable first name. Right from the start I would establish the nickname, Bo, based on Boris, the middle name. For example…

    Benjamin Boris
    Jonathan Boris
    Nathaniel Boris
    Christopher Boris
    Sebastian Boris
    Broderick Boris
    Zachary Boris
    Known by nickname Bo

  4. As soon as I read the title, I thought Boris was an amazing name. Go for it! I’d love to meet a little Boris.

  5. If your really want to use Boris as a way to honour your grandad then why not use it as a middle name (just don’t use Alexander as a first name, that’s Boris Johnson’s actual first name)

  6. When I read the title of the article, I thought Boris might be a bit hard pull off but by the end (what 1.5 minutes later) and I’m completely sold! It is adorable and your reasons for picking it perfect and the nickname brilliant. You aren’t doing this to be hipster, but because it is special to you. And Bo is fabulous.

    If you meet skeptics (other than Momma) give them a minute to process. Chances are they’ll love it too, especially if they are meeting your adorable son in the interim! And Moms find every name hard to love at first — they used their favorite names on you!

    Go forth with confidence!

  7. Boris nn Bo is clever as an honor name and is cute for a baby.
    I think its works with siblings with a wide range of names. I can picture:
    Boris and Wyatt
    Boris and Frederick (Bo and Fred)
    Boris and David
    Boris and Mia
    Boris and Violet
    So if your mom’s concerns are purely about style, I don’t think there is an issue here.

  8. Boris (bore-is?) nn Bo is adorable. It has that so old fashioned it’s new again sort of vibe. I can see Boris with a brother named Oscar (Ozzy) or Theodore (Ted more than Theo) easily. Natasha/Natalie would be off the table for sister names (from the Bullwinkle cartoon) but most anything else from clunky Edna to vowel-heavy Amelia would work.

  9. Ha! Now that song is in my head AGAIN 😉

    I’m usually 100% into family names, especially something fusty. I think it’s amazing that it’s a name you love, and your bf figured out a nickname he loves.

    Abby has great questions to ponder. I also wonder if it passes your “Would I want to wear the name my whole life?” test. Picture yourself as Boris. Are you more often introducing yourself as Bo?

    My first association is Yeltsin. To me it’s a singular association, but I didn’t grow up with a grandpa Boris.

    I was looking up the name to check the pronunciation – I didn’t know there are a few options. Obviously your grandfather was Beau-riss if you’re getting Bo from it. In Russian it’s more like bo-REES (kinda rhymes with Maurice) which is kinda neat cause that could get you Bo or Reese as nicknames.

    If you’re serious about Boris and your partner is on board, I’d just stop talking about it with people and if you have a boy and Boris feels right – then just do it and people will stop commenting after he’s here (hopefully – especially if you throw them the Bo nickname.)

    Love to hear what a sister for Boris would be!