It’s time! Your vote determines the fan favorite of celebrity baby names 2018!
This is the boys’ contest; the girls’ contest will post later today.
I’ll admit it: I’m downright astonished at the two names that have made it all the way to the final contest. They’re both great names, of course. But I didn’t see either of them as likely finalists. And now one of them will be the winner!
Right after Thanksgiving, we started voting on your favorite celebrity baby names 2018. They were drawn from the most mainstream of high profile birth announcements over the past year. Sorry, Theron and Hart. This post is for your Top 1000 cousins.
We made it to the SemiFinals last week, and the results? Well, they surprised me:
- Royal and literary Louis defeated modern staple Beckett by a comfortable margin, 54% to 46%. That’s a pretty solid win, and it makes me think that Louis might, indeed, be due for a big bump in use when we finally see the new data in May 2019.
- In the closest contest yet, Sebastian and Miles tied! 50% to 50%. But when I looked at the actual votes, Sebastian pulled ahead by just three votes. Three! I’d pegged Miles as a likely winner of the whole contest, too. But instead, by a hair’s breath, it is Sebastian that will compete for the title.
Which name wins it all is, of course, up to you!
Ready, set, vote:
Check back soon to see which names carry the day, and earn the title of Favorite Celebrity Baby Name 2018!
Only three votes! Wow! That’s awful close!
I love Sebastian! I’d use it, except my husband says he can only think of Sea Bass when he hears it, so it’s a no go.