The baby name Diana belongs to a Roman goddess and the most famous (real) princess of our time.
Thanks to Anat for suggesting Diana as our Baby Name of the Day.
Names borrowed from Greek and Roman myth have been on trend in recent decades. Favorites like Phoebe and Penelope, Orion and Titan have opened the door for even more surprising choices: Persephone, Atlas, or Mars, maybe?
The baby name Diana is hiding in plain sight.
She’s a major figure in mythology, her name derived from either the Latin diva – god, divine – or possibly an even older word meaning shining, as in the moon. Diana was goddess of the moon, but also the hunt, wild animals, and childbirth – though Diana is one of the goddesses who vowed to never marry.
The Roman Diana is considered the equivalent of the Greek Artemis – both are depicted with a bow, eternally young and athletic.
Shakespeare was fond of her, referring to the goddess in several of his works. Plenty of artists chose her as a subject for their paintings and sculptures, too.
As goddess names go, Diana might be the most popular. The name has ranked in the US Top 1000 every year with the exception of 1888, and has been in the Top 500 most popular names every year since 1918.
Notable Dianas have been plentiful:
- There is a Diana in Jane Eyre, and another in Anne of Green Gables.
- Legendary singer Diana Ross graduated from Motown girl group The Supremes to chart-topping solo artist. Her story has been much told, including Dreamgirls, a 1981 Broadway musical turned 2006 big screen success with Beyonce as Deena Jones – the character based on Ross.
- More recently, Diana Krall has become a bestselling jazz singer.
- Diana Rigg made a splash as Emma Peel on The Avengers in the 1960s.
- DC Comics heroine turned 1970s television icon Wonder Woman was Princess Diana – known incognito as Diana Prince.
Lady Diana Spencer was born in 1961, named after an eighteenth century relation. She led a decidedly quiet, if privileged life.
Until she didn’t.
In 1981, Lady Di rocketed to international fame when she became engaged to Charles, the Prince of Wales. The couple announced their engagement in February. The world watched the couple exchange vows in July of that year.
She went on to dominate headlines during the 1980s and 90s, becoming known as a fashion icon and an admirable champion for causes ranging from AIDS to landmines. Her portfolio extended well beyond the traditional patronages associated with royalty.
Chances are that you know the rest of the story, too, ending with the royal couple’s separation and the princess’ tragic death in 1997.
Plenty of women imitated her style, but as a given name, Diana was fading by 1981. Even the princess couldn’t spark a comeback.
Long after her passing, Diana’s memory remains very much alive. Her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, both gave her name to their daughters as a middle: Charlotte Elizabeth Diana and Lilibet Diana.
From the 1940s through the mid-1970s, Diana was a Top 100 favorite in the US.
Possible credit goes to Lady Diana Manners, an aristocratic Englishwoman prominent in stylish, intellectual circles pre-World War I. Her marriage to politician Alfred Duff Cooper meant that she remained a well-known hostess for years.
But it was actually the spare Diane that ranked as the most popular form of the name. A Top 100 name from 1937 through 1972, Diane reached as high as #14 in 1955, and spent nearly two decades in the Top 20.
As of 2023, the baby name Diana ranked just #228.
Diane has left the charts entirely. Other related names, like Dianna and Deanna, don’t currently appear in the Top 1000 baby girl names.
If you’re after a classic choice for a daughter that won’t be shared by many, Diana is one to consider.
The legacy of the late princess cements it as a classic. Ties to the night sky, Roman mythology, and the image of a huntress all add something to this elegant choice.
It’s a great stands out/fits in choice for a daughter born now.
What do you think of the baby name Diana?
First published on January 6, 2015, this post was revised on January 16, 2025.
I bet with the amazing success of the new Wonder Woman film, Diana will get a big boost.
Big fan here. I was named after Diana Rigg, actually. My father was a big fan of hers. I don’t think it’ll get a huge bump, though, honestly. It didn’t when Princess Di was around. I have met only one or two other Dianas in my entire life. Charlotte is already huge, and Elizabeth is evergreen.
Thank you very much for featuring my suggested name! My husband and me just read your article and we love it, it reinforces our fondness for this name.
You’re welcome, Anat! It really is a lovely, underused gem.
Another famous Diana: sexy bombshell actress Diana Dors (born Diana Fluck).
If the royal baby is a girl, she may have Diana as one of her middle names, which could raise interest in the name Diana.
Ooh … excellent point, Anna! Though I’m betting on Frances. Less controversial, right?
Two thumbs up to this name. I’d totally give it to a baby girl if that weren’t crazy awkward. Personally, I was named for Dame Diana Rigg.
Also a literary reference that comes to my mind: Anne’s bosom friend Diana Barry in the Anne of Green Gables books.