ParisSome weekends I sit down to write about baby names and nothing feels more right.

And some weeks I sit down to write about names when the news of the world around us feels overwhelming. How can I write about something as frivolous as unusual color names or bird names when the soundtrack is anger and despair?

I happened to be watching the news when stories from Paris started to break. And it was absolutely one of those moments of overwhelm, when I couldn’t look away, but I couldn’t bear to watch, either.

And yet I am going to write about baby names, today and tomorrow and the day after that. Because there’s no doubt in my mind that names matter, and that the act of bestowing a child’s name is sacred. And because if you want to experience unadulterated hope and joy, thinking about new life is one of the best ways to do so.

To write about names is to celebrate the potential of every new person on this planet. It’s a simple perspective, perhaps, but I do believe that the act of naming is always an optimistic one.

And so, in the midst of news that feels bleak and hard, let’s talk about names, in all of their beauty and complexity:

That’s all for this week! As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I agree – writing about names, thinking about new life and the possibilities it holds are a perfect antidote in a world full of sadness and grief just now.

    The 1st article reminded me of meeting someone who’s name I’d only seen written down. I had the sounds right when I met her in person but not the stress. The minute she introduced myself I could tell I had it wrong so I asked her to repeat it so I could say it correctly from then on. It’s a sign of simple, basic respect to do your very best to pronounce someone’s name correctly and in the form they’d like you to use.

  2. Thank you for this, Abby! It’s been an overwhelming week. Words are powerful, and names can be some of the most powerful words we use.

  3. Yes yes yes, I 1000% agree with your intro, all of it. I too have “no doubt in my mind that names matter, and that the act of bestowing a child’s name is sacred. And because if you want to experience unadulterated hope and joy, thinking about new life is one of the best ways to do so. … To write about names is to celebrate the potential of every new person on this planet. It’s a simple perspective, perhaps, but I do believe that the act of naming is always an optimistic one.” Beautiful words for sad times Abby. <3