Sunday Summary 9.24.23Happy Fall!

The season kicked off with a gray, rainy day, courtesy of Tropical Storm Ophelia, enough to cancel a local arts festival we always enjoy.

But a) we’ve had a string of absolutely glorious weather; b) we need the rain!; and c) is it crazy that I forgive the storm because it has such an amazing name? Somehow I would find Tammy or Gert harder to forgive. At least I’m enjoying blaming today’s disruptions on Ophelia.


Thanks to Jennie, Erin and everyone who forwarded this story about an Australian baby given an outlandish name: Methamphetamine Rules. At first, I thought this might be another story like Talula Does the Hula from Hawaii. That’s a New Zealand case, but the countries share a similar prohibition against extreme names. Little Talula Does the Hula from Hawaii ultimately had her name changed through the court, with the judge in that case noting that registration officials could – and did – routinely block such names.

Baby Methamphetamine Rules, it turns out, was named just to test that very practice. Surely, the journalist/new mother thought, someone would stop her from naming her child something so harmful. But … no. His birth certificate came back with that crazy name officially recorded.

The Australian Birth Registry admits their mistake and everyone seems to agree that better checks are needed. Except … so many names walk a fuzzy line. In 2022, fifteen girls were named Sativa. I’m guessing that one might slip past a reviewer, too.

Would I want to be the registrar tasked with approving or denying names? I really don’t think I would.

Speaking of unusual names, Queen’s long-time drummer Roger Taylor chose some amazing, but somehow right-side-of-crazy names for his kids back in the 1980s and 90s. They are as follows: Felix Luther Taylor, born 1980, and the inspiration behind Queen’s hit “Radio Ga Ga.” Next came Rory Eleanor Taylor; Rufus Tiger Taylor, now a drummer in his own right; Tiger Lily or Tigerlily Taylor; and Lola Daisy Mae Taylor, also known as Lola Leng Taylor. Names that were unusual thirty years ago now sound mainstream.

One more fun fact: Tiger was suggested by Freddie Mercury, and Roger liked it so much he used it twice.

Madge, Bridger, Ridge + more names with the DG sound. The rise of names like Bridger and Ridge could easily bring more of these DG names along for the ride.

Any Boston fans out there? I found this on the backstory of Tessie, the anthem of the Boston Red Sox. While I’m not a sports fan I love this. (And as I watched the clip, I also found it charming to see people attending baseball games in suits and dresses.)

Let’s end this week with a Name Wordle. Find this week’s puzzle here.

SPOILER ALERT: Stumped and can’t figure out the answer? Find the Name Wordle answer here.

That’s all for this week. As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week!

Boy Names 9.24.23 Girl Names 9.24.23

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. I love Lola! Robin Gibb had a baby girl named Snow Robin which I always thought was the right side of weird. Speaking of musicians, whenever I hear a Blondie song now I think of her being your Clio’s first gig- totally Picture this!

    1. Oh my goodness – thank you Imogen! Definitely one of those moments you never expect but never forget, either. And Snow Robin is so interesting … I agree, just on the right side of weird!