I’ve been thinking about names for as long as I can remember. And I’ve been writing about names here since 2008. And yet, lately I’m stuck on this one question: What’s the hardest part about choosing a name?
So often the answer is:
It depends!
Maybe it’s:
- Working with a long, complicated, tough to spell/pronounce, hyphenated surname
- Compromising with a partner with different ideas about style
- Finding a name that isn’t already taken in your circle of family and friends
- Narrowing down a long list of names you like
- Conflict with your family about potential names
- Balancing a desire for a name that stands out with a sense that your child’s name shouldn’t be too different
- Incorporating your cultural background or family customs – or figuring out a graceful way to start fresh
- Matching your new child’s name with her older siblings, but not matching too much
- Giving your child room to be themselves, while choosing a name that speaks to your interests
- Knowing which risks are worth taking, and which might be too out-there
- The feeling that if you just look a little more, the perfect name will appear – won’t it?
The list goes on and on.
I think I can tell you what most – maybe all – of those stumbling blocks have in common. But I’m curious:
How would you describe the biggest challenge to choosing a name?
Not one, but two #namespotting episodes featuring Orion as a middle name for a girl. Dove Orion and Violet Orion. Interesting …
Lots of Wilfreds and a James Horatio Somerled. I just love the British Baby Names birth announcements.
An intriguing list of neglected names for girls. Madigan, Vega + more. The boys’ list is here.
I haven’t seen the movie Free Guy yet, but I’m curious. Will Guy catch on? Cleveland Kent Evans has the backstory on Guy here.
If you had to name your triplets with a theme, would it be famous pitchers? This family of Dodgers fans went that direction.
If you’re looking for more name talk, sign up for the weekly newsletter – sent every Tuesday!
I think the hardest part of naming is not knowing the future. Thinking you’ve solved all the conundrums mentioned above, but then a hurricane or a movie character or a criminal in all the headlines wrecks it all!
Well said, Lashley!