Sunday Summary 1.6.19Happy New Year, namers!

2019 promises to be an exciting year. Word is that there will be yet another Kardashian baby, with Kim and Kanye expecting their fourth. And we’ll have a royal birth, too, with Harry and Meghan’s firstborn expected, perhaps late this winter.

January, of course, marks the beginning of the countdown to the Most Wonderful Day of the Year – the Friday before Mother’s Day, when the US Social Security Administration releases new baby names data. (Mark your calendars for Friday, May 10th!)

But in the meantime, there’s news galore to start our year off:

  • I’m not sure if American Girl dolls have an impact on what we name our children. Or maybe they do, but not until the children who played with them grow up? In any case, the company’s new Girl of the Year is out, and her name is Blaire, with an e. Blair remains far more popular, but I’m guessing the Claire-influenced spelling could catch on.
  • A dramatic delivery, and a spectacular name for a New Year’s baby! Thanks to Aela for sending over this tale of Solstice. (His older brother’s name is every bit as amazing.)
  • If you’re Catholic, you’re probably reading Carrots for Michelmas. And if you’re not, a lot of this post might feel a little obscure. But I loved the essential concept: Haley felt like she “was just TOLD was her name already is.” Have you ever had that happen with a child’s name? (Incidentally, her daughter’s name is Hildie. Swoon!) Also, it’s a post from April, but hey, year-in-review and all that.
  • Have you read Elea’s round-up of British baby naming for the year 2018?
  • Also, British Baby Name’s last name of the week for 2018? Cleo. It’s rising in the UK. Will American parents catch on, too?
  • Love that Kara is sharing the names searched at The Art of Naming. Some great ones on her first list here.
  • Laura has some great names on her 2019 watch list. How did I miss Mallex?
  • So many great thoughts in this article on name regret. ” … I feel like it was a little more about my own interest in giving my son a wacky fun name that would stand out, without considering the fact that he might not want to stand out because of his name. Perhaps he wanted to stand out for his own reasons and on his own terms.”
  • Though I should add that I can make a case for using unusual names. And frequently do.
  • On a related note: “We are products of our time and culture, and we lean toward the same names. The upside is that our children’s names will sound good and right to their peers.” These are Swistle’s thoughts in response to a parent seeking a less common name for her child.
  • How did I miss the name of Gabrielle Union’s daughter with Dwayne Wade, Kaavia James? I love everything Duana said about it. (Her article is from November; a friend mentioned the name and I went looking. Of course Duana had it all …)

That’s all for this week. As always, thank you for reading – and Happy 2019!

Girl Names 1.6.19 Boy Names 1.6.19


About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. Re: Laura’s post >> It seems like Baker, Fletcher, Archer — the do-er names — are taking off again! As for Kiki, that’s a great nickname for Kieran, Karen, Katerina, etc. Mallex is an interesting way to conform to the all-M standard. I probably would have gone with Max, so kudos for creativity!

    As for Kaavia, do we know how it’s pronounced? Thinking Ka-via, but not sure. The middle name James for a girl seems to be gaining popularity right now. Exciting name times!

  2. A friend of mine had a baby girl at the end of December, also named Solstice! I am very impressed at her audaciousness!