Lately it seems like there’s a baby boom! A girl baby boom.
Congratulations to Rowan of Eponymia on the birth of her daughter, Cosima Kindred. Cosima joins big sister Ottilie Valentine, and was there ever a more perfect pair of sister names? Read all about Cosima’s name here.
Elsewhere in the naming verse:
- I’m dying to know if John Legend and Chrissy Teigen were inspired by Nina Simone when naming daughter Luna Simone. It’s one of the reasons I think Simone feels like such a creative, appealing choice for a daughter – and it’s quite underused.
- Adora Borealis – whoa! That’s quite the name.
- Spoiler alert for The Blacklist. Apparently, the new baby’s name is … Agnes! Don’t read this recap if you don’t want the details. (I watched the first season, but then lost track. Now I need to catch up to find out why they went with Agnes!)
- If your family all shares the same first initial, aren’t these kind of squabbles inevitable? I’m not sure it’s the kind of tradition I’d continue, but it’s probably tough to be the first person in a family of, say, Michael, Melissa, and Meredith to name their kiddo Eleanor.
- Love this conversation about unusual nicknames for Judith, Elodie, and Alister/Alistair.
- Sabre, Seraphine, and Coralie – some real finds in Maine from Names for Real.
- Appellation Mountain readers, you’ve got this! Enter the annual Baby Name Wizard name pool.
- Zuzanna is the #1 girls’ name in Poland – love!
- Since I’m in Europe, swooning over girls’ names … Bleuette is just gorgeous, and the sibset? Gorgeousness.
- Hector, Herbert, and Murray. British Baby Names demonstrates once again that the English excel at reviving vintage baby names. Also, Maisie, Maisie, Esme, and Olivia Esme.
- I love the way Duana addressed the question of matching step-siblings’ names: … the kids will know that you considered all three of them, and that’s not a small thing.
- The results of this poll are fascinating – yes to two middles or two last names, but not both.
That’s all for this week! As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week.
Random aside, my cousin and her husband just named their new baby girl Antonina (“Nina”) after Justice Scalia.
LOVE! Gorgeous name.
I’m giving Adora Borealis the side-eye right now.
My guess is the same — that Luna Simone is a (subtle) nod to Nina. Way too close to be coincidence, given what John Legend does for a living.