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Name-inspired news and notes for your Sunday reading.
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It’s Groundhog Day! Which means we’ve made it halfway through winter. Candelmas, Imbolc, Feast of the Presentation, La Chandeleur, St. Brigid’s Day. I could go on.
But here’s the thing: in the depths and the cold and the moments when things truly are bleak, there’s a human impulse to find joy and hope and possibility.
Whimsy, even. I just watched a dozen men in top hats celebrate a prognosticating groundhog via livestream. (Word is that we have six more weeks of winter to come, if Phil can be believed.)
The world is a wondrous and confounding place.
It makes me think of the poet Amanda Gorman:
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we’re brave enough to be it.
If you’re expecting a child right now, I think that’s pretty much the most hope-filled, optimistic thing I can imagine. And choosing a name that captures all of that unknowable potential?
Yes to that, to all of that.
Finds From Last Week
Whoa! Did you watch Nameberry’s Pam on Shark Tank? Watch her masterful pitch here. Absolute proof that the art of naming has gone mainstream.
Are you following Soft Baby Names on Insta? Love this list of Boy Names Moms Love. Lacey captures something I’m really loving right now: she looks past popularity to think deeply about style and energy, and I think that’s just so smart.
Okay, I don’t have Poplar on my list of tree names. But maybe that’s a mistake? I’m intrigued by this snippet Nancy covered, because I also think naming a child after a significant place in your family’s life, like a street name, has at least as much potential as, say, grandma’s maiden name.
This week’s Name Connections is live! Find it here.
Updating & Thinking About
Leatrice because it’s one of those names I think we’re getting wrong. Is it a Leah-Beatrice mash-up? Sometimes, sure. But I think it’s also a nineteenth century heir to ancient Letitia, by way of medieval Lettice.
Lola because it’s had such a total image shift, from scandal-provoking temptress in the twentieth century (see Damn Yankees, the Kinks) to sunshiny everygirl name. A good reminder that even a generation or two can change everything.
Timothy because I think there’s always space to bring back old school names. And because Timothy is one of those choices I love if used in full. I mean … think Timothee Chalamet versus Tim Allen.
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I know a kid named Poplar! I think it’s pretty, it reminds me of Poppy and Piper. Her sister is Linen, and I think it might be a bit much together, but nice on its own.