We at ApMtn can’t decide if we’re thrilled by the evidence uncovered by Michael Sherrod and Matthew Rayback in their new book Bad Baby Names, or a bit disappointed.
I’ve yet to read the book, but wanted to recommend the New York Times article.
on Mar 21, 2008
We at ApMtn can’t decide if we’re thrilled by the evidence uncovered by Michael Sherrod and Matthew Rayback in their new book Bad Baby Names, or a bit disappointed.
I’ve yet to read the book, but wanted to recommend the New York Times article.
Sunday Summary
What a *fabulous* site! And congrats on the birth of Eli. He’s darling – and looks quite pleased to have escaped going through life known as Dragon. 😉
Hey! I am one of the authors of the book you’re talking about. Thanks for commenting on it here. I hope it lives up to your expectations. And if you or your readers want to know more, check out my blog at http://www.badbabynames.net. Thanks again!