The baby name Torin is less expected than Aiden or Connor, but every bit as Irish.

Thanks to H for suggesting our Baby Name of the Day.


Torin is almost certainly an Irish name, and means chief.

Usually an Irish name comes with layers of related names and surname forms, but Torin is surprisingly spare on detail. So could this be an error?

Maybe not. Irish dictionaries offer one translation of “chief” that feels close to the mark: Tiarna or Thiarna. Tiarna seems to translate best as Lord, but that still tracks.

Some suggest it’s related to the Norse Thorfinn or Torfinn. But that would change the meaning, since those names come from Tho– as in the god, whose name means thunder.

The Welsh name Taran or Taron – as in actor Taron Egerton – does come from a word meaning thunder, as well as their god Taranis, known for carrying a thunderbolt.

Camelot gives us a Knight of the Round Table known as Sir Tor, a prince raised as a shepherd who becomes one of the first to pledge loyalty to King Arthur.

Tor might come from the Old English word meaning rocky hill, which might have Celtic roots, or Latin. The Latin turris is the source of our word tower.

The occasional Torin might even trace the name to Hector, a hero of the Trojan War, via the second syllable.

Torin is a commanding name, far more subtle than Royal or Reign.


The name has seen some use over the years.

  • English actor Torin Thatcher served in World War II, then had a long career in film and television, usually playing a villain. He appeared in many a famous film, including “Mutiny on the Bounty,” and regularly appeared on stage, too. Later in life, he appeared in a first season episode of the original Star Trek series – it’s famous as the first time the Prime Directive is mentioned.
  • A 1995 video game called Torin’s Passage introduced us to a farm boy from the planet Strata, on a quest to defeat the evil sorceress Lycentia.
  • Actor Toran Caudell appeared on 7th Heaven and other television series in the 1990s.
  • American cross country skier Torin Koos has competed in three Olympics.

None of those figures are household names, but it’s enough to see some use of Torin over the years.

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Torin has quietly caught on. There have been more than five boys given the name every year since 1956.

In 2018, it climbed enough to tip the baby name Torin into the US Top 1000 at #990.

Since then, the name has fallen in use slightly. 139 boys received the name in 2023. That’s still an increase from the beginning of the 2000s.

As for alternate spellings:

  • Toran saw some use in the 1990s, possibly thanks to the actor. But it’s always been rare, and there were just six newborn boys called Toran in 2023.
  • Toryn was given to 15 boys in 2023, as well as five girls.
  • As for the similar Taron, 48 boys received the name in 2023, even as Taron Egerton plays everyone from Robin Hood to Elton John.

Despite the popularity of girls’ names like Tori and Lauren, Torin seems solidly established for boys.


At a moment when so many boys’ names are two-syllables, ending with N, Torin fits in perfectly. It’s an alternative to Rowan or Nolan, fresher than Tristan or Brendan.

It all makes the baby name Torin an appealing, handsome rarity. With a powerful meaning, just enough history, and a sound that fits this generation nicely, it’s a great fits-in/stands-out choice.

What do you think of the baby name Torin?

First published on May 14, 2015, this post was revised on June 21, 2024.

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. My middle name is Torin and I am a girl giving
    that name @ birth by my mom & stepfather .
    thatโ€™s why I looked it up !

  2. Torin is an awesome name with a wonderful meaning. I like its meaning “chief” and connections to Thor. Tauren Wells, though spelled different, is a notable namesake. He’s a solo artist and former front man of Royal Tailor.

    1. Oh, I love the spelling Tauren! I’ve come across the Scandi Torunn, too. And of course there’s the Welsh Taran/Taron, as in Edgerton, which seems to be related to Thor, too. Though Tauren makes me think of the Latin taurus – bull.

  3. I have a Taurin, love his name and spelling. He is a Taurus, and that’s one reason we named him this

  4. Love this name…my husband and I have already decided that if ever have a second son, we’ll name him this! (Our first boy’s name is Iver). I like how it echoes strong Norse names like “Thor” but fits in with our heritage in a more realistic way (Anglo/Scottish/Irish).

      1. Well I’m a little late with this reply but just saw yours–thanks!! I went on a bit of a name-hunting tear after our close friends “stole” our planned boy name, completely by accident, when they had a baby son last year ๐Ÿ™‚ Love your blog and your Name Sage posts too!

  5. Torin is also Scandinavian: a male form of, and a female variant of, Torina, which is an elaboration of Tora, which is a feminine form of Thor, and also a diminutive of Victoria.

  6. I have a relative named after the Italian city Turin, but pronounced like Torin.

    She is a woman, also! I’ve always loved her name.

  7. A good friend of my daughter’s is named Thorin, an excellent choice.

    I’ve never seen Torin identified as an Irish name before; certainly it’s not a traditionally Irish name!

    1. Torin is Gaelic Irish and it means Leader or Chief. No, it’s not traditional, but that’s what I love about it. I named my son Torin James and it is the perfect name for him. No other name could fit him.

      I knew it was the right Gaelic name when I first found it and it fit my son from the moment he was born. I can’t fully explain it.

      It is a very strong name for a boy who likes standing out in a crowd and being unique. His first three years of school, he just wrote “Torin” on his papers. (His last name has eleven letters, so that was helpful.) Torin is strong, confident, outgoing, articulate, passionate, intelligent, and has the quickest wit I’ve ever encountered. He lives up to his name.

      My son, Torin, is now 27 and has met or heard about five other males named Torin in his lifetime. He LOVES that. He gets a ton of compliments on his name and has had two people name their sons after him! Not bad.

      1. I live in Canada and am 39 years old I have only herd my name Torin once. My mother found the name in an old love novel.