Sunday Summary: 2.17.19I’m watching the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy. I’ll keep this spoiler-free … but all of the kids have both numbers and names. Except for Five, who is always … Five.

If you’ve seen the whole series – or read it in the original comics – don’t tell me why! I’m enjoying the mystery.

That’s all for this week. As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week!

Girl Names 2.17.19

Boy Names 2.17.19

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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  1. There’s actually a mistake in the post about Aglaia! The name is pronounced ah-glah-ee-ah, not eh-glah-ee-ah. It’s actually considered a hillbilly name in Greece but it sounds attractive in English. (In Greek the G would make a W sound)

    1. Thanks, Margie – how interesting that it’s perceived SO differently in Greece today! I find that happens with foreign names all the time. The ones I think are gorgeous and fresh usually end up being the equivalent of, say, Barbara or Deborah. You can see the appeal, but they’re names from a different generation …