Happy Easter!
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Sunday Summary
on Apr 04, 2010
Happy Easter!
Sunday Summary
Sunday Summary
Sunday Summary
Sunday Summary
Pesach and Nissan are usually given to males born around the Passover season, which falls on Spring.
Pascal, Anastasia, Parascheva are all Easter Names and are quite popular in the Eastern Orthodox world.
Happy belated Easter !
This whole Esme thing is actually quite funny to me. I’ve grown up thinking of Esme as a very normal name – it’s like Sarah or Jane or Rachael to me. My mom has known two. So, whenever I saw the whole Esme thing on the net or anyone mentioning Twilight, it was often a surprise as most of those names were always so normal to me. It’s very strange,as most of the suddenly ‘cool’ names or names that are vintage, different or refreshing (so described by people on forums that I’ve viewed) are often normal to me. It’s probably because of where I live.It’s the same as Louise- I think you said once that it’s not in the US 1000 , but I come across them or names like it reasonable often. Lol, it all leads to a rather odd reading experience when viewing blogs or similar things
Anyway, thanks for a great week & I hope you had a lovely weekend
apologies for the lower case letters, replying through my mobile phone. anyway, i adore esme as a name and think that despite the twilight phenomenon it really still remains a name nerd appellation, just because the majority of twilight fans are in their teens and by the time they get around to having children they may have moved on to the next naming trend (fingers crossed my twins are esme and cara, definetly on the j.d. salinger side 🙂 and most of my family remain blissfully unaware of the twilight connection!) happy easter everyone!
Wow, that’s a lot of eggs! Good on you for getting into the Easter spirit.
I did read Nameberry
Happy Easter, Verity! We here in Canada are set to enjoy the final day of Easter weekend: Easter Monday. I love four week holidays, even when I’m a SAHM! It means that the grandparents are about to lend a hand.
Cedric is the boys-name-of-choice for my husband and I, so I sincerely hope it doesn’t become too common or too intrinsically associated with Harry Potter (as much as I love the books).
Roseanna was born right around Easter last year, and while we made no effort to giver her an Easter name, I have had comments that her name seems to suit the season. I’m not sure that I would ever actively try to make a connection between when my child was born and their name, although I supposed that might change should I end up with a December 25th baby.
I spent the morning at the public farm/playground near my house and met a pair of siblings named Chandler and Ambrey. Ambrey is pronounced AIM-bree. I don’t know how her parents spelled it, and I don’t know why they chose it – but somehow it goes with Chandler. Chandler, by the way, is definitely old enough to have been inspired by Friends.
It’s interesting to me to see how many girls are named Noelle or Holly or Natalie or other Christmas inspired names, and there are Easter inspired names, too. However, I can’t think of a name I’d use on my child if he were born on Channukah or Passover. Sam was born on the first day of spring. Anyone have suggestions for what I should have named him, based on the timing of his birth?
Would March be a good name for a boy? April, May and June seem feminine; January does too. But March seems masculine and makes me think of the family from Little Women.
Also, as he was born on the vernal equinox, you could have called him Knox.
Hopper makes me think of Easter bunnies, actors and artists.
That’s all I can think of for now. I fixed Easter dinner here, and my family just left, so I’m settled in to watch Undercover Boss.
Happy Easter!
March is from the god of war, so that’s definitely more masculine than feminine…but not at all an option. 😉
Ah, but I love March … maybe in the middle spot.
I kind of love Bret Michaels too, but I hate when I see Georgia spelled Jorja.
Apparently you’re a year behind time (you listed the date as 4/4/09).
Thanks! I clearly need to start checking my driver’s license before I put my key in the front door, or else I’ll end up trying to barge into the wrong house …