Happy Mother's DayHappy Mother’s Day!

It’s been a whirlwind week around here.  My apologies – I completely forgot to announce a winner yesterday.  I’m not sure if I’ll get to that later today or tomorrow, but have no fear – one lucky reader will get to do a takeover, as soon as I manage to settle down and compile that list!

In the meantime, please distract yourself with all of this fabulous name news:

  • Ignacio was Lisa’s Cool Name of the Week.  I agree!  We have a cousin Ignace in Poland, and Ignatius was a dark horse possibility if our daughter had been a boy.
  • I like the idea of three generations named Linda, Belinda, and Lucinda.  And yet I do understand Belinda’s hesitation – is this a clever and subtle link between grandmother and granddaughter, or will it be a source of confusion and frustration?
  • Names from the Anthropologie catalog via Sophie.  You had me at Cleo.
  • How much do I love the monthly babyberry reports?  April brought some lovelies, including Effie and Edwin (twins!) and Odette Mary.
  • While we’re looking at birth announcements, how ’bout this list from Names4Real?  Io Margaret is gorgeous, I’m surprised at how much I like the invented Delcey, and she’s spotted some real rarities, too: Greenlee, Coy, Archie, Adler, Carletta.
  • And one more: how sweet is Lulu Cate, from Anna’s latest round-up?  I’d put something more like Lucienne Cate or Luella Catharine on the birth certificate, and use Lulu Cate for short.  Also, Eugenie and Archibald and lots of other goodness.
  • Constance, Lowell, Penelope, Frederic, Bess – stylish kindergarten class roster?  Nope.  Names of roses, from this list at Beauty of Names.
  • Via Nancy, one-third of German parents reported that naming a baby was very easy, and half said it was somewhat easy.  I wonder what a similar survey of American parents would reveal.
  • An interesting look at the name Catcher – I’ve liked the idea ever since I saw Ewan MacGregor answer to it in Down with Love.  The flick was a flop, but 5 five boys were called Catcher in 2003, 17 in 2004, and 24 in 2005 … and just 8 in 2012, and fewer than 5 in 2013.  Still, I think this name has a chance …
  • And now, the data!  I’ll be reviewing my predictions and seeing how I did later this week, but there’s no shortage of thoughtful analysis:
    • Laura has named Daleyza the fastest-rising girl’s name of 2013.  (She uses a formula specific to the Baby Name Wizard.)  Daleyza is the daughter of Larry Hernandez, a singer-turned-reality show star on Telemundo.  We talked about her last year – isn’t it interesting to see the impact of reality television?
    • Speaking of the impact of reality tv, on the boy’s side, hello Jayceon.  Yes, Jayceon is the given name of rapper The Game, but his big boost seems to be via Marrying The Game, the VH1 reality show about Jayceon and his fiancee Tiffney.
    • Wondering how the Top 100 changed?  Check out Kelli’s post here.  And yes, Penelope broke into the Top 100.
    • Speaking of Penelope, check out Vanellope, the vanilla-Penelope mash-up created for Wreck-it Ralph.  Read more on girl name debuts from Nancy.
    • And one more: think Aiden and company are fading?  Maybe, maybe not

That’s all for this week.  As always, thank you for reading – and have a great week!

About Abby Sandel

Whether you're naming a baby, or just all about names, you've come to the right place! Appellation Mountain is a haven for lovers of obscure gems and enduring classics alike.

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What do you think?


  1. I can’t believe Jason is back in fashion, albeit in variant spelling!!! What will Pam and Linda say?

  2. Io is going to be a hard name to deal with, I think. I see the appeal but it would be a lot more practical to go with Iolanthe or Ione and use Io as a nickname. The kid is going to have repeat herself a lot because hearing ‘ee-oh’ just won’t register right away as a name with most people and they’ll think they misheard. I guess she can always go by Margaret.

    I agree with you on Lulu. Cute nickname for Lucie or Lucia, a bit much as a given name.

    I do like Ignacio and Ignatius.